Testimonial from AbG^CaK

1.How do you get to know "Win 4D With Kumantong" Blog?

i get ur kumantong blog from checknumbers.com under forum and starting from that i'll follow all ur kumantong predicition and what a surprise all ur predict reach top 3 and that's make me everytime see ur blog

2.Why and what makes you trust 4D Prediction Numbers given by Kumantong?

before this i try to find a way how to get or predict a 4d numbers but all useless then by the time i take a look ur blog it seems all numbers given by kumantong quite accurate and until now i start follow ur prediction.

3.Compare 4D Numbers given by Kumantong with other 4D Gurus or 4D Software, What you feel about Kumantong 4D Numbers Compare to other 2?

if anybody ask me to compare i'm sure i'll chose ur kumantong 4d number rather than 4dguru or 4d sofware because there is a lot potential for me to strike and make some money... but a weird thing happen to me is all my friend everytime ask me for the number without knowing that i get the number from u :)

to sly... thanks a lot for giving me chance sharing ur kumantong 4d numbers with me and i hope that with ur help i can share the numbers with all my friend and together we can win some money and give some candy to ur kumantong... thank you again sly
