Testimonial from RG after hitting 2nd Time Top 3 Prize!

Hi Syl,

I have sent you something via PayPal.
I know crediting your account is better but I just saw the I have won second prize (1956) and I am very happy about it so I want to share the good tidings with you tonight.

I badly need cash so this is a big help for me. This is the second time I've won top prize since I joined in April. I already placed my bets this morning but somehow something reminded me that I have forgotten the 1956 number that didn't strike yet. I placed my bet at exactly 5:55 pm ••

Please accept my small token of appreciation. I religiously follow your numbers, when we don't strike ... I dont feel bad... when we do, I am really happy. I should say that followers of the Kumantong should just Trust and religiously bet, how much based on what they can just afford.

I used to bet on many numbers but I have seen that it is best to just bet on just a few (and do ibet or system) . Anyways, many thanks .... and wish all the people here GOOD LUCK for the next draws. ••

Donation Details
Total amount: $50.00 SGD
Currency: Singapore Dollars
Confirmation number: 7YF87621J4030390M
Purpose: Kumantong Offerings OR Kopi Money
Contributor: Gxxxxxx Nxxxxx
Phone: 9xxxxxxx

Elise Chow:
Hello Sly,
I have donated $20.00 to KMT just now for the previous win