Testimonial from PL Lua - Malaysia

An interesting story to share with you which happen last night. I was planning to get another KMT (I wrote to you last night). Then after that I proceed as usual to request Malaysia Magnum 4D from Bro Lup Yong combined with the White Colour Talisman ( Gods Of Wealth) wrapped around the Shaking Cup of Numbers.

The number I was given was 0716 ( Magnum 4D Prediction for 16 September 2012 - Sunday).

On the 4D Draw Day (16 September 2012 - Sunday), I was out the whole day today and didn't get the chance to buy the number. Look at what came out tonight in Magnum 4D ?

hahaha... I just smile quietly in my heart and I know what's happening. I don't get upset because I knew there's more to come from Spiritual stuffs I am keeping.

This is just amazing!!! Like what You said and I agreed with you that you wont believe this until you experience this yourself!!

That's all I wanted to share.


Testimonial from PL Lua - Malaysia

Hi Kumantong 4D Master, Good day and hope you doing well and healthy always. It's being a while since we communicated. Being busy with work and also side business involving in selling electronic cigarette.

This is my testimonial after keeping Brothers Lup Yong and both of the God Of Wealth White Talisman and Protection All in One Talisman

"My first Spiritual stuff I got from SLY was Brother Lup Yong which is 2 spiritual kids in a bottle. I had already provided testimonial on this. It was a whole-thorough experience when I first keep both of them. Not just They provide you accurate and almost accurate 4D on almost every draw, They wanted you who keep Them feel their presence.

Whenever I asked for 4D (Pick 4 Lottery) from Them, They will make me feel their presence. I got goose pimples whenever I request 4D. I have been keeping Them for quite a long time now, I think more than 2 years already and still going good and steady.

My second Spiritual stuff from Brother Sly was both 4D White Talisman and Protection All In One Talisman which I got this year. After I kept the Talismans I got an instant online business that I just started on ebay. It's not a big amount per say, but what I wanted to stress here is the instant result you could get once you keep both the Talismans. I have also involved in other electronic gadget business, and the business just getting more and more. I am now keeping my day job still but working hard on my part time income with the hope that I would one day quit my day job and become full part in my current part time business.

Those who has not experience first hand would never believe what The Spiritual stuffs can help you in all aspect until you owned one yourself.

Still Don't believe? You Must Believe In It!! That's all I need to say.

Thanks Brother Sly for introducing these Spiritual Items to me, and I hope to visit you when time permits. Thanks a lot!!

Hope that this testimonial could let everyone understand the real experience from the real person who keep the spiritual stuffs You bring into our lives.

I am thinking to own another Baby Kumantong.

Currently on my altar I have Kuan Yin, Bro Lup Yong and the 2 Talismans. So I am planning to have another Baby Kumantong to "balance up" my altar. Not very big. Maybe the same size as Bro Lup Yong or slightly bigger.

Hope to hear some feedback from you.


Testimonial from Nic.Tan - Singapore

Bro, really thanks man! Your Kumantongs So Powerful!

That Day just strike Ibet 2nd Prize and then follow up to strike Direct Opposite Starter in Singapore using Blacky Kumantong 4D Prediction and again Direct Starter Strike using Blacky Kumantong 4D Prediction! 3 strikes in less than 2 weeks!

I think You are the only one in this world got this kind of Power. My whole life I thought that to strike 4D , We must go to look for ghosts / spirits in graveyard or Bomoh.

I never know even the popular Kumantongs (The Holy Child Spirits) can even let people strike 4D. Even those people who keep Kumantongs don't even know how to seek Lottery Numbers!

Even the Kumantongs can give Hints on how to buy 4D to let us strike! Thanks for informing us on the hints! That's Superbly Amazing!

Now, I finally understand why You want to promote Your Kumantongs and Taoist Talismans to the Public. If people still don't believe in the power of Spirit Force with such Accurate Lottery ( 4D , Pick 3 , Pick 4) Prediction and Results , they are INDEED IDIOTS.

Nic. Tan - Singapore.