I have just make a transfer of S$238 to your account for Ang Bao for You and Offerings for Kumantongs - Strike Direct 3rd Prize

Dear Kumantong 4D Master,

Good day!

Many thanks to you and your Kumantong. Your kumantongs help me to strike again. I have just make a transfer of S$238/- to your account for Ang Bao for you and Offerings for kumantongs. Please help me to buy Candies/Toys for offering to your Kumantongs.

This is my appreciation to Kumantong 4D Master and Kumantongs for blessing me to strike my own number 1706 - Direct 3rd Prize yesterday - 29 May 2016 - Sunday.

Thanks also for the blessing from the Talismans.

May your kumantong continue to bless me.

Thanks and best regards.

Help me buy candy for Your Kumantongs - Strike Ibet Starter

Hi Bro,

I strike 4d Ibet, 3186 - Starter.
I transferred 20 to you.
Can you help me buy candy for Your Kumantongs.

Thank you bro. :)

Your 3 Kumantongs have been blessing me to strike 4D & Toto Lottery.

Miss. B.C
29 May 2016 - Sunday

I felt some energy when the moment I received the "Yin Shan Sect 7 In 1 Wealth" (Fast & Furious) Talisman


The "Yin Shan Sect 7 In 1 Wealth" (Fast & Furious) Talisman has been well received. I donno is it psychologically i was so excited or what, i felt some energy when the moment i took over the envelope from the post officer. My heart beat beats Loud and fast while i was holding it through out.

I have also did what you said by framing the talisman up and ask for numbers.

Hope there will be some good news soon.

Thank you!

From: I. Ng

Help me buy some sweets for Your kumantongs please - Strike 400 Toto

Bro, I transferred 50 to you.
I strike 400 toto.

Can you help me buy some sweets for Your kumantongs please?

19 April 2016 - Thursday

Your kumantong help me to strike again - Strike my own number 1006 ibet and 3123 direct on Wednesday - 11 May 2016

Dear Kumantong 4D Master,

Good day!

Many thanks to you and your Kumantongs. Your kumantongs help me to strike again. I have just make a transfer of S$128/- to your account for Ang Bao for you and Offerings for kumantongs. Please help me to buy Candies/Toys for offering to your Kumantongs.

This is my appreciation to Kumantong 4D Master and Kumantongs for blessing me to strike my own number 1006 ibet and 3123 direct on Wednesday - 11 May 2016. Hope it will come out again direct this weekend.

Thanks also for the blessing from the Talismans.
May your kumantong continue to bless me.

Thanks and best regards,

Transferred 150 to You - I won 2nd Prize Ibet - I prayed to the picture of Your 3 Kumantongs

Hi Bro, I transferred 150 to you. Can you help me buy some presents for your kumantongs please? I won 2nd Prize Ibet (5142) - SGD$820 - 8 May 2016 (Sunday). I prayed to the picture of Your 3 Kumantongs. Thank u so much.

Thusday (5 May 2016) strike abit Toto, Sunday (8 May 2016) strike 4D 2nd Prize Ibet.

Miss B.C - Singapore
8 May 2016, Sunday

Transferred 100 to You because I strike a bit of Toto

Bro, I transferred 100 to You because I strike a bit of Toto. I anyhow hantum. Strike 400. Thanks for your 指点 (Advice). In my heart, I got see the pic of Your 3 Kumantongs and ask for help and then pray to my own kumantong by lighting up a candle.

Miss B.C - Singapore
5 May 2016 - Thursday