Honest Words From Kumantong 4D Followers & Clients Of Taoist Sorcery Master..
Been sending Ang Bao money to You & Your KMTs for the past 3 months!
My mom and I have been sending Ang Bao money to you & your kumantongs for the past 3 months!
While you were away on spiritual retreat, we followed your instructions, prayed to your 3 Kumantongs and get 4D numbers by ourselves.
I use the "Shake The cup" method and got myself 3 sets of numbers over 3 months. 1 number came out 3rd prize (but I didnt buy). The rest I won small small iBet consolation prize. My mom won 4D 1st Prize last month as well!
All the number I asked for were at least 85 percent accurate. Ahaha! Oh well better buy than not buy. Worst case is just miss by 1 number! Amazing!
Wil, Singapore
My partner is missing me now! Thanks for the "Love Bonding" Ritual!
My partner is missing me now and wants to reunite with me soon. You were so right! I just have to wait patiently! Thanks for the "Love Bonding" Ritual and the Taoist Deities, 5 ghosts and Spiritual Soldiers for helping me out - Anonymous
I can sense the Love Bonding Ritual taking effect on both of us!
He used to get angry for no reason with me. Since You start to perform the Love Bonding Ritual, the bondage between us is taking its course nicely and deeply. I can totally sense how the Love Bonding Ritual is taking the precious effect on both of us! Thank you most kindly - Anonymous
My beloved partner and I are back together!
My beloved partner and I are back together! Thank you most kindly and thank you so very much for all of this. Life has purpose and meaning again :) I adore my partner.Thank to all the beloved deities of this precious ritual who listened. - Anonymous