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Testimonial from Wesley - Hitting 1st Prize from the hint given by Kumantongs

I want to thank Kumantong 4D Master and Kumantong Babies for giving me the blessing to hit 4D 1st Prize ( 28th April 2013 , Sunday).

For the non-believers,  let me show You the prove. Below is my 1st Prize Winning Ticket. 
 This is not the only time I strike 4D with Kumantongs' Blessings. In fact, last time I've strike both Direct and Ibet on TOP 3 Prizes occasionally from the Blessing of Kumantongs.
I don't  always buy 4D because I'm often broke. However,  when I decide to buy, I often  get the blessings from Kumantongs. 
Sometime there is this very strange, unexplainable feeling. It is like telling me I ought to buy particular set of 4D numbers. I followed that feeling that comes to me and strongly believed it must be the hint given by Kumantongs.
2 weeks ago (14 April 2013 , Sunday), I had already hit Direct Starter, which was a good sign and in return send $25 as coffee money to Bro Sly and his Kumantongs as offering. After that I haven't bought any 4D ( because I was almost "dry" already) until today because the same gut feeling came to me  again and told me I need to buy and just buy that particular set will do. I hit DIRECT 1ST PRIZE!.

I am pretty sure being in a pinch, Kumantongs knew my predicament and helped me out immediately.
I have known Kumantong 4D Master for a very long time already. The 1st time I met him was to meet him up to learn about How To Pick Up Girls from him and then much later, he told me about his another Secret Expertise - Strike Lottery with Kumantongs and Taoist Sorcery Skills.
All I can say is he is a very good friend to me. After I know him, I've strike 4D like crazy, which I have never won any before until I know him.
I use to think 4D Prediction is Bullshit and no such things as ghosts. After winning 4D so often, I cannot deny there is no such thing anymore.

Hope from my experience and story, You  folks can learn about the Spiritual Power of Kumantongs and get the same blessings from Kumantongs as well.
When You want to strike 4D or keep the best of the best Kumantongs, You folks should get directly from Kumantong 4D Master. 

Your Good Buddy,
28 April 2013- Sunday

Testimonial from Ryu - Hong Kong

I've been trying out what you suggested and the results are both amazing and intriguing.

Even though I have not win the top 3 prize's yet, but the numbers that come out from these little guys are no joke. Not always consistent, but a lot of the times the numbers that my GMT gave me are on the top 3.

So I thank you for giving me the insights and am grateful that I was able to meet you. I believe I'll win soon, just a hunch. If I do win, I'll definitely send my gratitude to you. So bless me here!

From: Ryu Zan / Hong Kong
25 April 2013 , Thursday

3rd time Testimonial from Ronnie Mark Kessler

"Hey! Sly n kmt, power la .... U guys truly brings live to a new hope of meaning !

Well,i guess what they say about be loyalty , faith, n. gratitude where does pays more, n it sure applies to our daily lives as well towards people only ur blessing will prevail .., right Sly ?

 Huattttttttt ahhhhhh !!!!!! This time again, No horse run ( boh bek chow ) .."
- Ronnie Mark Kessler - 24 April 2013 , Wednesday

With Kumantongs' Blessing , In less than 1 month , Ronnie strike Direct 1st and 2nd Prize. Within 6 months, he had strike 2 times 1st Prize and 1 time Direct 2nd Prize. In total, strike 3 Direct Top 3 Prizes.


Strike 1st Prize with Kumantong's Blessing - R.Mark.Kessler

Hi sly,

I'm so happy to see 7993 as I was shock .... Totally happy n this number was some wrote halfway where the ticket was thrown aside . So I to it n bought the ticket . To my suprise , it hit n best of all it's first prize !

U know n u can see thru my face book almost every week I hit ever since I know Kumantong n you ! So as a token of my faith in Kumantong, I would like to offer back a token of my appreciation n offering for my mighty Kumantong.

With my little token, Pls do buy what is necessary n ask Kumantong to keep blessing me always .

Pls send me your account no to transfer . Thanks sly n stay in touch . N my mighty Kumantong, Keep blessing me with safety n luck always.


07 April 2013 - Sunday

Note: This is the reason why Mark strikes Direct 1st Prize again and again (For being a generous person.)

Kumantong Offering was done on behalf of Mark Kessler for sending his Ang Bao ( Token of Appreciation) to Kumantongs and Kumantong 4D Master. This way, Mark Kessler will continue to receive blessings from Kumantongs again and again and hit Direct 1st Prize non-stop.

Kumantong 4D Power Testimonials

Kumantong 4D Power Testimonials

I trust that you are doing your best to help me - J.S , Malaysia

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Client Strike 4 out of 7 Numbers from Kumantong Toto Prediction - Win SGD$190

Client Z.B bought the numbers wrongly as 7931 and won Ibet Consolation instead and gave me Ang Bao - SGD$40!

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Client Z.B miss her Ibet 1st Prize but still send Ang Bao - SGD$30 !

Client Cham Hit Direct Starter On Singapore Pools 4D - Win SGD$250 But Gave Ang Bao - SGD$88! Very Generous Indeed!

Client W.L pray and seek 4D Numbers from Gods Of Wealth Talisman and Strike Ibet 2nd Prize

Client Z.B Hit Direct 1st Prize - Won SGD$11,000 - Gave SGD$1000 Ang Bao