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SGD$10 Ang Bao From Billy For Winning Ibet Consolation - 21 Dec 2014 - Sunday

Dear Kumantong 4D Master,

Just now I transferred SGD$10 to you as my small token of appreciation to you at 845pm (Sunday 21 Dec 2014) because I hit Consolation Prize for 3426 on Today Sunday 21 Dec 2014.
Small prize and I believe more Great things from you.

Thank you.

Warm regards,

21 Dec 2014 - Sunday

Related Post: 4D Prediction By Oil Bottle Kumantong Hit Ibet Consolation - 21 Dec 2014 - Sunday

Testimonial for "Ultimate Attraction 3 In 1 (Play Boy)" Talisman from a Chinoy

Hello Folks, I have to say a super big big thanks to the man behind the Taoist Sorcery & Kumantong 4D Blogs :-).

1st of all, I need to remind You I'm not paid to write this Testimonial. I merely give credit where credit is due. I was a customer who ordered his "Ultimate Attraction 3 In 1 (Play Boy)" Talisman last year (September 2013) and it was not cheap.

I was doing some searching and research on Attracting Females With Spiritual Power, and I was fated to land on "Taoist Sorcery" Website. While, I was browsing and reading through the articles, I got hook to the "Ultimate Attraction 3 In 1 (Play Boy)" Talisman and in my heart & soul, I knew I gotta have it. I ordered it immediately from this Taoist Sorcery Master.

"Ultimate Attraction 3 In 1" Talisman

I always carried his FU(符) everyday! and it really works on me until now. Even when I am at work, Bar hopping, meeting new friends, and even during sex.

Believe it or not. His FU works! I tried to put the FU on my jeans while having oral from my girlfriend and fling girlfriends.

I noticed that the FU works like hell while on sex, believe me!!

Once a girl started to touches You and turns You on while carrying this FU, Definitely the next day hahaha she's begging to have another sex. So I always make sure they suck my cock while my FU is on my jeans! Hell yeah, it will be a confirmation then that we'll have another sex the next day lol.

I hope Master will soon have the FU imbued on a jewelry like necklace pendant.

Another occasion, I added a sexy and pretty girl on my facebook acc, she's a common friend of a friend on my facebook. What the hell, I chatted with her in just 2 weeks and we had agreed to meet up. With just 2 glasses of margarita and some talking, she's like a kitten begging to be bed and bang. I banged that girl the whole night. Wonderful indeed right? Lol

Furthermore On my career side...

I noticed that my colleagues become more attentive. They really listen to my ideas and suggestions. It is as if I can manipulate their thoughts and get their sympathies by just merely talking to them. Even my male colleagues, they enjoyed my company during bar hopping/ drinking session.

I don't know why, and one thing I am pretty sure! This Taoist Talismans by this Taoist Sorcery Guy really works on me!

Try it and you will know what I am saying.

Right now,18 December (2014), I requested "All in One Protection" Talisman and "Yin Shan Sect Fast & Furious 7 In 1 Wealth" Talisman from this Taoist Sorcery Master again. And he's creating and empowering them now. I cannot wait to see and feel the talismans on my hand! I know they gonna works as powerful as the "Ultimate Attraction 3 In 1" Talisman, if not, more so.

Master, More powers to you!

Mr. Playboy Guy ( Master, you know who I am). :-)
- Metro Manila , Philippines
- 18 Dec 2014 - Thursday

Personal Note From Taoist Sorcery Master: Different people have different level of  aura in attraction. The speed of showing results, after keeping  'Attraction 3 In 1" Talisman, varies from people to people. Some guys lay girls / women almost immediately like a Don Juan, on the 1st day after keeping the talisman, Some guys take weeks or even months to see results. One thing for sure, If there is no sign of girls attracting to You yet, You need to be patient, as the talisman is filling up Your Attraction Aura into Your soul.

Related Posts:
- "Ultimate Attraction 3 In 1" Talisman
- Laid 3 Ladies In 1 Week Without Spending A Single Cent On The Ladies!
-I felt it is working already on the 3rd day of wearing it!

Total Ang Baos Of SGD$316 From Singapore Members For Hitting 1st Prize - 19 Nov 2014 - Wednesday

Alex - "Boss. I just trf $78. Please check"

Mike - "Hi Bro, managed to strike an ibet 1st prize again. Thanks for everything. God bless and continue to bless me. sent u a token of $80 bucks for offerings"

Francis - "Thanks! Will transfer Ang Bao - $20 tomorrow morning"

Low - "Bro, I have bank in $50 to Your POSB Saving Bank Account"

Wilson - "Wah Bro! Thanks! Your Kumantong 4D Prediction damn powerful. Can every time buy, every time strike!"

Within 3 Draws , Strike 2 times 1st Prize!

On the 15 Nov 2014 - Saturday, already Hit 1st Prize. On 19 Nov 2014 - Wednesday Hit 1st Prize again! Within 3 draws , hit 2 times 1st Prize!

Receiving Ang Baos (Coffee Money) are the best Testimonials.

Singapore Die-Hard Followers Of Kumantong 4D Power Strike again on 1st Prize. Total Ang Baos received SGD$316.

Related Post: 4D Prediction By Both Hands Raising Kumantong Hit Ibet 1st Prize On Singapore Pools 4D - 19 Nov 2014 - Wednesday

Total Ang Baos Of SGD$727 From Singapore Members For Hitting 1st Prize - 17 Nov 2014 - Saturday

Bryan - "Hi Bro, Just send u $88.00 angbao. Striked sys bet $1 on 5589 SAingapore Pools 1st Prize yesterday :-D ,Huat ah!"

Francis - "Hi Kumantong 4D Master, Just transferred S$30 Ang Bao to your POSB Saving Bank Account : 118-09409-3 this morning as a token of appreciation and also to buy candies and offerings for your Kumantongs"

Mike - "Hi Bro KMT, I have already transferred you a token of $388 for your KMT. Please thank them for me for helping me to strike 1st prize for yesterday draw. I really need this amount currently due to my financial difficulties. It came in handy. Please continue to bless my family and let me win more prizes. Thank you very much"

Calvin - "Hi Bro, Strike Ibet 1st Prize. Here's little token of appreciation - SGD$28 to buy some offerings and treats for the Kumantongs :) Huat Direct soon arh!!"

Alex - "Hi. Strike $400 plus Ibet first prize 8595. Will transfer $100 Coffee Money to you tomorrow. Thanks"

Receiving Ang Baos (Coffee Money) are the best Testimonials.

Singapore Die-Hard Followers Of Kumantong 4D Power WIN again and this time Hit 1st Prize. Total Ang Baos received SGD$727.

Related Post: 4D Prediction By Both Hands Raising Kumantong Shoot To Singapore Pools 4D Hit Ibet 1st Prize - 15 Nov 2014 - Saturday

SGD$20 Ang Bao From Francis for Striking Direct & Ibet Starter

"Hi Kumantong Master, every time you gave the 3 sets of 4D Numbers... I just play with the numbers with different placing of the respective numbers. Sometime it does hit Direct! " - Francis

Related Post: Singapore Pools 4D Prediction By Oil Bottle Kumantong Hit Ibet Starter - 5 Nov 2014 - Wednesday

SGD$50 Ang Bao For Winning Direct Starter - SGD$500 By Praying To The Pciture of 3 Kumantongs

8 Oct 2014 - Wednesday

Ah Tan: "Hi, how much is the "Gods Of Wealth" Talisman. I have been paying bank debts many years.. How much does it cost?"

Kumantong 4D Master: "Hello Alex, The fee to create and activate the "Gods Of Wealth" Talisman is at the moment USD$388, will increase anytime soon."

Ah Tan: "Ok. Thanks. Too expensive for me as I have a lot of credit card bills to pay every month.."

Kumantong 4D Master: "Another way which You don't need to spend money... You can pray to the 3 kumantongs shown at the Kumantong Blog, and then shake a cup of numbers to get your own personal 4D numbers. Some people have strike direct Top 3 Prizes using this method before."

Ah Tan: "Sorry. Where is the 3 Kumantongs Blog?"

Kumantong 4D Master: "The URL is , or any Kumantong 4D Power Related Blog "

Ah Tan: "Thank u. I will try.."

17 Oct 2014 - Friday

Ah Tan: "Hi. Just to check with you. Last week i take number from the kumantongs. The number come out on Wednesday starter. I strike $500. Would like to donate some $. Cos i have a lot of debts to settle.. how can i donate? Can i take another number from the blog? For 4d and toto..."

Kumantong 4D Master: "Hello Tan, MY POSB Saving Bank Account: 118-09409-3 .You can do donation / offering / money for toys to my POSB Saving Bank Account. You can continue to seek 4D Numbers from the Kumantongs. When You strike again, I shall continue to do a Prayer to them on your behalf."

Ah Tan: "Hi. Transfer done.."

Kumantong 4D Master: "Thanks"

Special Note From Kumantong 4D Master:

Folks who can't afford the price / fee , or simply not interested to pay to own a "God Of Wealth" Talisman / Kumantong Statue from Kumantong 4D Master, can either  sign up for Kumantong 4D Prediction , or if can't afford, or not interested to pay for the Monthly Subscription Fee, can follow this FREE Method - By praying directly on the '3 Kumantongs' Photo and use the 'Shake A Cup Of Numbers' Method to seek own personal 4D Numbers. Usually 90% chance will confirm Strike A TOP 3 Prize.

If You Strike , remember to do offering to show Your appreciation to the 3 Kumantongs.  If  You strike Big, but never show appreciation, You WON'T BE PUNISHED by the Kumantongs, just that they will not BLESS YOU anymore in future.

The Kumantongs trained by Kumantong 4D Master can sense and detect who is praying to them far away at every corners of the world. 

If You are in desperate need of help, Kumantongs will bless You immediately to Strike The Lottery. All You need to do is.. If You Strike 4D, remember to do Offering / Prayer by sending Money to Kumantong 4D Master , and he will do a Prayer on Your behalf to thank the Kumantongs.  

Some Folks Who Strike 4D By Praying To Kumantong 4D Picture:
Related Sites:

Ang Bao Offerings from 4 Singapore Members For Winning Ibet 2nd Prize on 12 Oct 2014 - Sunday

Both Hands Raising Kumantong gave 2971 for Malaysia Sports Toto 4D on 12 Oct 2014 - Sunday. At night, Singapore Pools came out 1972 - 2nd Prize. 4 Singapore members strike 2nd Prize and sent their Token of Appreciation - Total: SGD$216.

Related Post:
4D Prediction by Both Hands Raising Kumantong come out on Singapore Pools 4D as Ibet 2nd Prize - 12 Oct 2014 - Sunday

Ang Bao & Offering From 2 Kumantong 4D Members for Winning Full System Starter Prize

Calvic Ace - "Bro I just transfered $50 to your Acct. a small token for our wonder little Buddha."

W.L.Y - "Huat Ar... Bro Haha. Heng Saw  ur post. Almost throw ticket away. Later transfer u $13 offering. Now I transfer to You bro."

Related post:  4D Prediction By Oil Bottle Kumantong Hit Full Sytem & Ibet Starter - 1st Oct 2014 - Wednesday

Ang Bao Of SGD$11 From A Kumantong 4D Member for Striking Starter

On Saturday, 6th September 2014 , Both Hands Raising Kumantong gave 1156 for Sports Toto 4D Prediction. It came out on Singapore Pools 4D as 1516 - Starter. One Kumantong 4D Member bought Full System on 1156 and Won $250. Kumantong 4D Master received Ang Bao - SGD$11.

Related Post: On Saturday, 6th September 2014 , Both Hands Raising Kumantong gave 1156.Singapore Pools 4D came out as 1516 - Starter

SGD$28 Ang Bao From Keith For Striking Ibet Starter By Using "Gods Of Wealth" Talisman

Hi Taoist Sorcery Master,

I strike a bit in Ibet Starter. Pls help me send some offering. I made a tiny transfer to u. Hope to win more!

Keith, Singapore
25 August 2014 , Monday


Few Words From Taoist Sorcery Master:
Keith just bought a piece of  "Gods Of Wealth" Talisman recently. His full trust and faith in the Talisman has started to bring in Money for him from Winning the Lottery / 4D.

SGD$10.15 Ang Bao From John For Helping Him Win Jack Pot With Kumantongs' Blessings

Hi Kumantong 4D Master, I have just transferred you SGD$10.15 to your bank account. Hope you received.

I prayed and looked at your kmt last night before going to Jack Pot and I won $20.30. Although small amount but decided to share half with you and your kmt for the blessings.

John, Singapore
24 August 2014 - Sunday

Testimonial and SGD$10 Ang Bao From A Lady Who Strike Toto 4 numbers

I've transfer SGD$10.00 into your account. Yesterday have won SG Toto for SGD$20.00.

Have as per your teaching, just look the Kumantong photo hoping to win some money and i get it.

Here's a very small token of thanks to buy offerings for the Kumantongs. 

Thank you very much and hope to win again. 

Stephanie  - Singapore
22 August 2014 - Friday

Testimonial From Kanages On Kumantong 4D Prediction and Gods Of Wealth Talisman

Dear Kumantong 4D Master ,

Kumantong 4D Prediction  - Won Big and Small Amount
Thank you very much for providing full understanding of what is a Kumantong and the tips and hints while following Your Kumantong 4D Prediction.

Here, I can proudly say that I have been winning lottery from Kumantong 4D Prediction, even big and small amount.

Wealth Attraction Talisman Is Very Powerful
 It has been a while since I bought the Wealth Attraction Talisman from You. As You said that for my 1st try on seeking 4D, if totally missed, I should not give up and continue to seek 4D number from Wealth Attraction Talisman. You know what,  now the level of 4D Prediction is at least 90% time accurate and if  I miss, I only miss 1 Number in  TOP 3, if not I will be striking Lottery,  both Big and Small Winnings.

Now, I use them as personal reference and manage to change nearest digit number in every 4 digits. What you mentioned is true. It will not rest within 3 consecutive draws.

Continue to follow Kumantong  4D Prediction - Even When I have my own Wealth Attaction Talisman...
Kumantong 4D Master, since the beginning I started to buy 4D number from your Kumantong 4D Prediction,  and until now I am still an ardent follower, and it is really helpful and benefiting me until today even though I having my own Wealth Attraction Talisman. I wish to stay on as one of Your member and continuing sending Token of Appreciation to thank you.

From Kanages, Malaysia

Related Sites and Posts:

Kopo Money Of SGD$219 From Singapore Members For Striking Starter on Saturday (5 July 2014) & Sunday (6 July 2014)

Ang Baos (Token Of Appreciation) are the best Testimonials from Members of Kumantong 4D Power.

On Saturday (5 July 2014), Singapore Members strike Starter Prize - 7769 on using Sports Toto 4D Prediction - 7967 by Both Hands Raising Kumantong.

Singapore Members were informed to follow the Simple Rule & Hint from Kumantongs: "Kumantongs love to help the followers to BET LITTLE but WIN BIG. So, whenever there is at least 2 same digits, there is very high chance of it coming out, and on TOP 3 Prize"

Indeed, on Sunday (6 July 2014), 6464 given by Both Hands Raising Kumantong come out on Singapore Pools 4D as 4646 - Direct Opposite Starter.

Related Articles:
Strike Starter on Singapore Pools 4D - Saturday - 5 July 2014
Strike Starter on Singapore Pools 4D - Sunday - 6 July 2014

Kopi Money of RM$100 from Kanages for Winning 3rd Prize on Magnum 4D

Hi Mr.syl, today i hv been sent out monthly payment for Kumantong 4D special together with Token of Appreciation RM100

Super Kumantong
Thanks. You hit 4d?

Yes on Sunday 3rd Price in Magnum 5671
Thanks alot

Related Article: Singapore Pools 4D Prediction By Oil Bottle Kumantong Shoot To Magnum 4D as 3rd Prize - 8 June 2014 - Sunday

Testimonial and Kopi Money Of SGD$20 From Terence How For Winning 1st Prize Ibet

Hi Kumantong 4D Master,
I managed to strike a bit with ibet through kumantong's prediction and I've sent over a small token via paypal. kindly use the money to purchase some offerings for kumantong. cheers :)

Terence How
5th June 014

Related Article: Magnum 4D Prediction by Blacky Kumantong Shoot to Singapore Pools 4D as Ibet 1st Prize - 4th June 2014 - Wednesday

Testimonial and Kopi Money Of SGD$28 From Calvin Tan For Winning 1st Prize Ibet

Hi Kumantong 4D Master,

Made a small ibet win from Blacky Kumantong's number! Here's a very small token of thanks to buy offerings for the Kumantongs.
I'm sure there will be more to come and Oil Bottle Kumantong to let us strike 1st Prize direct very very soon! Huat Arh!

Testimonial and Kopi Money Of SGD$10 From Francis For Winning 1st Prize Ibet

Hi Kumantong 4D Master,

Yesterday evening 6370 strike 1ST prize on SG Pools.

I strike 6703 on S$1 ibet but miss $1 Direct. [see per attached winning tickets]

I had transferred SGD10 Ang Bao to your POSB Saving Bank Account : 118-09409-3 this morning as a token of appreciation and also to buy candies and offerings for your Kumantongs especially Blacky Kumantong.

Above number also miss out on 3750 [3rd prize]

Huat Ah!

5th June 2014

Related Article: Magnum 4D Prediction by Blacky Kumantong Shoot to Singapore Pools 4D as Ibet 1st Prize - 4th June 2014 - Wednesday

Testimonial and Kopi Money Of SGD$138 from J.G For Winning 1st Prize With Kumantongs' Blessing

Dear Kumantong 4D Master,

Incredible news!

I strike 1st prize on Singapore 4D yesterday!

My own dream number was 1490. I bought $1 big system. Came out 0194!

This has definitely reinforced my conviction and belief that your divine Kumantongs have made it possible.

First time strike first prize though i have been buying 4D frequently for the last 25 yrs and also i tend to dream of numbers frequently too but hardly strike not even ibet....

Many thanks to You & Your KMTs....

I have credited my humble contribution of $138 to yr account this morning.
As usual please buy incense, food and toys for the KMTs

29 May 2014

Testimonial and Ang Bao - SGD$28 from Boon

Dear KMT 4D Master,

I have transferred the subscription fee of $28 to your account. I would like to be honest with you, and at the same time share my story. Whether or not I am allowed to join is really up to you.

Like many others, I am in need of cash. I came across your website while surfing the web for 4d analysis software to help me with predicting what's coming soon and raise my chance of striking 4D. After reading the testimonials and stories you have posted, I decided to give it a try.

As you suggested, poor people who can't afford the subscription fee can pray to the picture and ask for a set of numbers, and I did.

I was given the number 2046 for Singapore Pools 4D Prediction - 18 May 2014 - Sunday. So I read in your blog to buy to and fro, ibet. It came out 6052 - 1st Prize, miss by just 1 number. Although I didn't strike, coming so close to this number has made my skepticism vanished.

While praying for the number, I made a few promises if numbers come close or if I strike. And this $28 I transferred is not really considered kopi money, nor subscription. At least, it help cleared my skepticism. It was a miss by one number draw.

Of cause, I wish to also be involve in the subscribed list, but I think I ought to be honest and not hide from you, as well as your KMT. I will continue to buy my sets of number provided by KMT, and hope to strike soon. Any hints and suggestion will be much appreciated!

Thank you and I wish you good health and good luck, may your business grow and prosper!

18 May 2014 - Sunday

Testimonial and Kopi Money - SGD$88 from JG & Hubby For Winning Direct 3rd Prize

Dear Kumantong 4D Master,

My husband strike 3rd prize Singapore 4D on wed. Exact number 3851.His own number. I strongly believe it is the divine workings of your KMT that made it happened.

On Vesak Day, we chanted n play the Itipiso chant n dedicated the merits to the 3 KMTs (Kumantongs) as per yr website. We asked for peace, harmony and prosperity for our family.

The next day, to our amazement the number came out. It has been quite some time since he last won the lottery.
We have credited $88 into Your POSB SAVING BANK ACCOUNT.
As usual please buy food, incense and toys for yr KMTs.

Many thanks to u and yr KMTs.
JG n Hubby
16 May 2014

Testimonial and kopi Money - RM$5.00 From Cecilia A.G

Hi Super kumantong,

I did what you ask me to do. I prayed to the 3 kumantongs on the Big Image at . I Mbox the number 9456 and I won RM3.00 (Mbox Consolation) from Magnum 4D and 9456 RM 3.00 (Iperm Consolation) from Toto Sport 4D. its my 1st time praying to kumantong. I would like to donate RM5.00 to kumantong. Please buy sweets, candle for kumantong. I know its not much but I believe he will be my friend and he understand me.

I need your bank account so I can bank in this money.

Hope to hear from you,
Cecilia A.G - Malaysia
10 May 2014 , Saturday

Hi Sly

Guess what.. I did not buy the same number I won yesterday and because I bought a new set of 4d - miss by 1 number (Top 3 Prize). when I check the result on Magnum 4D, it came out 1st prize today for the number 9456 that I bought yesterday. I feel sad but I believe kumantong is being with me at the same time I know he wants me to believe in him which I do. its was not my luck today but sure soon he will bring happiness to my life.

I will post the RM5 money that I promise you tomorrow and once I done that I will email you.

Take care and god bless

Cecilia A.G - Malaysia,
11 May 2014 , Saturday

Testimonial and Kopi Money - $28 from Vinson Teo For Winning Ibet 2nd Prize

Hi Bro Sly,

Just xsfer a small token to your posb acct as an appreciation to KMTs and you.
I strike ibet on 3316 on 23 April 2014.

Vinson Teo

Related Post: 4D Prediction by Both Hands Raising Kumantong Shoot To Singapore Pools 4D as Direct 2nd Prize - 23 April 2014 - Wednesday

Testimonial and Kopi Money - $128 from Cal79vin For Winning Direct 2nd Prize

Hi Bro Sly,

I also benefitted from both hands raising kumantong and striked 3316.
I'd transferred $128 ang bao to your account, as thanks and offerrings for the kumantongs. May more strikes come often, Huat arh!

Transaction Reference:12467634744

Thanks again,

Related Post: 4D Prediction by Both Hands Raising Kumantong Shoot To Singapore Pools 4D as Direct 2nd Prize - 23 April 2014 - Wednesday

Testimonial and Kopi Money - $100 from Francis For Winning Direct 2nd Prize & Ibet Starter

Hi Sly,

Thanks for calling me yesterday evening 3316 strike 2nd prize on SG Pools.

I strike 3316 on $S1 direct / S$1 ibet and S$1 ibet for 6720 [see per attached winning tickets]

I will transfer SGD100 Ang Bao to your POSB Saving Bank Account later today after I has collected the winning money from SG Pools as a token of appreciation and also to buy candies and offerings for your Kumantongs especially 2 Hands Raising Kumantong.

Many thanks again for telling the hints on your earlier email,hope more hints will come from you soon.

Huat Ah!


Related Post: 4D Prediction by Both Hands Raising Kumantong Shoot To Singapore Pools 4D as Direct 2nd Prize - 23 April 2014 - Wednesday

Testimonial and Kopi Money from Bryan for Winning 2nd Prize on Singapore Pools 4D Prediction Given by Oil Bottle Kumantong

Bryan - Hi bro, Striked 2nd prize thanks to tips from ur kumantong  Send $188 kopi money to u :-)

Kumantongs are playful. They know the exact upcoming TOP 3 Numbers. They want to play with You but the hints they give are Open Book. Even kids also can see through the hints. Bryan saw through the hints from the previous pattern and he applied the same pattern on buying the next 4D Draw. He strike 2nd Prize Direct System, and Kumantong 4D Master was given Ang Bao of SGD$188.

Now, who dares to say "Lottery Numbers cannot be predicted"?

Related Post:

$10 Ang Bao from J.G for winning 4D given by her Deceased Relative in her dream on Qing Ming Festival, with the blessing of Kumantongs from Kumantong 4D Power

Dear Master,
I have just credited $10 to yr account at 1230. Sorry for the small amount as i strike only ibet. The number was given by my deceased relative in my dream. Sat was the Qing Ming..and I believe yr divine KMT has been helping me.

As usual , please buy some candies and incense for the KMT.

8th April 2014 

Ang Bao from J.G for winning in Casino in Sentosa by praying to 3 Kumantongs

Dear Master,

I have just credited S$38 to yr account 2 hours ago. Managed to make some humble winnings at the casino at Sentosa. First time to that casino. I just merely talk to yr 3 kumantongs as per yr website for guidance of Roulette numbers.

Kindly buy some incense, food and toys for the divine kumantongs. My humble offerings....

31st March 2014

Testimonial and Ang Bao of SGD$30 from Jen Goh for winning Malaysia Sports Toto 4D Direct Special Prize

Testimonial and Ang Bao of SGD$30 from Jen Goh for winning Malaysia Sports Toto 4D Direct Special Prize after visiting Kumantong 4D Power Website.

Dear Kumantong 4D Master,

Just happened to chance upon Your website on 19 Feb 2014 (Wednesday) while surfing the internet on lottery and wealth.

I am delighted and at the same time shocked to Strik  Sports Toto 4D - 6090 (Direct Special Prize) on 23 Feb 2014 (Sunday )while on a casual shopping day trip to Malaysia..

I am one whom dream of numbers but hardly strike....

My sincere thanks to you, Master and the 3 kumantongs as appeared on yr websites. As a token of appreciation i had just credited $30 to yr account this early afternoon.

Though the amount of winnings was RM360, ( I have not collected my winnings yet) i am still impressed n contented. Please buy some incense paper, sweets and toys to the kumantongs.

From Jen Goh - Singapore
24 Feb 2014

Testimonial from Joanne Goh for Hitting 1st Prize Iperm on Malaysia Sports Toto 4D Prediction (16 Feb 2014 - Sunday)

So happy I hit 1prize , but i only buy rm 1 i box for text only , i still will give the kumantong kopi money , tomorrow i will bank in . hope kumantong tomorrow will give a lucky number , happy , because is long long time didn't get any prizes, tq u and kumantong

From: Joanne Goh - Malaysia
18 Feb 2014 - Tuesday

Testimonial from Kenneth Phua - So Happy To Know Someone who Really Know Everything About Kumantongs

I was grow up in a complicated family. Just like most of the people whom wish to be blessed and get rich. Once I met a few of friends who taught me to pray to kumantong , which was told that if I take good care of the kumantong, I will be able to get what I want.

But, too sad to said that the results was totally suck. Till the day I heard of Your stuff, I was so happy cos I finally get to know someone out there whom really study the kumantong hard.

I am just a simple guy who wish to meet a master whom really knows kumantong well and able to communicate with it.

If the kumantong could bless for me and let me strike for 4D once a while.... I make my promise to kumantong and master you that I will take out some of the money which I had won from the 4D to help those who needs helps. ....especially help to build up the kumantong temple's. ..I meant what I had said.

Last but not least, I sincerely hope that my wish would come true........

From Kenneth Phua.

Note from Kumantong 4D Master:

Kenneth's Wish came through after he followed the method taught to him. He was told to pray to the big picture of 3 Kumantongs at Kumantong 4D Power Blog  and shake a cup of numbers to seek his own 4D Numbers. He hit Starter Prize just after 1 try.

Folks who are interested to follow Kumantong 4D Power Prediction , yet can't afford or not interested to pay for the Monthly Subscription Fee can follow the same method: Pray to the picture of 3 Kumantongs at Kumantong 4D Power Blog, and shake a cup of numbers to seek his own 4D Numbers.

2 other Folks, who strike 4D by following the same method :
Once You strike 4D, remember to do offerings to the Kumantongs by sending  "Token Of Appreciation" and You will strike and strike again in future. If You have strike Big Prize but not interested to send " Token Of Appreciation" , nothing will happen to You.  Only thing is next time, Kumantongs won't bless You in striking 4D anymore.

Kumantongs trained and owned by Kumantong 4D Master have the power to bless those folks who pray on them  through the picture of 3 Kumantongs at Kumantong 4D Power Blog.

Testimonial from Kanages for winning few hundred ringgit in Ibet in every 4D Draws

Hi Dear Mr. Syl,

recently in every draw I won few hundred ringgit in ibet with use my own reference. i.e. I jst changed 1 digit and other 3 digits given by our Kumantong. I'm sending u "Duit Kopi" also Token of Appreciation to Kumantong soonest.

Thank you.
From Kanages, M'sia.

Testimonial from Johny L for Striking 4D again after following Kumantong 4D Power Prediction

Hi Bro Sly,

You & our dear beloved brother kumantongs are really awesome and amazing.

I have tonight managed to strike some winnings again - Full System Starter Prize. I intend to give you an Ang Pow to buy some offerings for our beloved kumantongs. I now have enough money to buy the 2 powerful talismans from you, which are the "Gods Of Wealth Of All Directions" Talisman and "Protection All In One" Talisman.

At the same time i will hand the SGD$88 Ang Pow to u personally. I also have this strong urge to pray personally and sincerely to all Your 15 kumantongs especially Oil Bottle Kumantong, Blacky Kumantong and 2 Hands Raising Kumantong whom I want to offer my special gratitude and great thanks and whom I feel have very great affinity with them.

Best Regards,
Johny L. - Bedok


The Prediction Number for Singapore - 0930 was given by Oil Bottle Kumantong on 18 Jan 2014 - Saturday. It came out as 3900 - Starter.

Kumantong 4D Power is not operating a house temple , therefore only close friends are allowed to visit the Kumantongs' Altar of Kumantong 4D Power.

Kumantong 4D Power Testimonials

Kumantong 4D Power Testimonials

I trust that you are doing your best to help me - J.S , Malaysia

Malaysia Client J.S Strike Ibet 2nd Prize on Singapore Pools 4D - Win RM870

Client D.Neo Hit Ibet 1st Prize & Gave Ang Bao - SGD$88

Deities and Ghosts help to transfer Assets... with 'Assets Transfer' Ritual

The (Fox Spirit Series) Supreme Sex God (5 in 1) Talisman has a positive influence on me..

Malaysia Client J.S Strike Sports Toto Iperm 1st Prize - Win RM2505!

Malaysia Client J.S Win Abit Only - But Still Very Happy

I'm extremely lucky to be fated to come to your Kumantong 4D Websites

Malaysia Client J.S Hit Sports Toto Direct & Iperm Consolation - Win RM$1530

Malaysia Client J.S Strike Sports Toto 4D 3rd Prize Iperm - Win Only RM315

Client V. Tan Strike Direct Starter with Gods Of Wealth Talisman - Sent Ang Bao SGD$38

Client Z.B Hit Ibet Starter - Gave Ang Bao SGD$30

My dog's health has slowly improved after You did a Ritual...

Miss 1 Number but Client Z.B Still Strike Direct 2nd Prize - Ang Bao SGD$100

Your Kumantong 4D Prediction Method helped me Strike Lottery!

Client Strike 4 out of 7 Numbers from Kumantong Toto Prediction - Win SGD$190

Client Z.B bought the numbers wrongly as 7931 and won Ibet Consolation instead and gave me Ang Bao - SGD$40!

Malaysian Chinese Guy prayed to the Picture of 3 Kumantongs and Strike Toto 4D Ibox 1st Prize

Client Win Ibet Consolation and Sent SGD$20 Ang Bao and a Lesson to Learn

Malaysian Client Strike Magnum 4D Mbox 3rd Prize - Win RM1,512 - Gave Ang Bao - SGD$100

Client Ardi from Australia has been blessed by his 'Supreme Master Investor' 7 in 1 Talisman & 'Gods Of Wealth Of All directions' Talisman

Client Z.B miss her Ibet 1st Prize but still send Ang Bao - SGD$30 !

Client Cham Hit Direct Starter On Singapore Pools 4D - Win SGD$250 But Gave Ang Bao - SGD$88! Very Generous Indeed!

Client W.L pray and seek 4D Numbers from Gods Of Wealth Talisman and Strike Ibet 2nd Prize

Client Z.B Hit Direct 1st Prize - Won SGD$11,000 - Gave SGD$1000 Ang Bao