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Extreme Love Bonding Ritual - Finally, We had an Intimate & Nice Time together!

One guy emailed and said his girlfriend broke up with him after a quarrel during a romantic vacation.

Below was his email desperately calling for help. Later parts show how Taoist Sorcery recovered back  his lost love.  Just within 22 days,   after Extreme Love Bonding Ritual was performed, his girlfriend returns and they have intimate time once again, just like in the past.

>>>  24th Dec 2016 , Saturday - His girlfriend left him after a quarrel.

Dear Taoist Sorcery Master,

My girlfriend had broken off with me for weeks now, after a quarrel during our last vacation.

She said she hated me because I get frustrated and told her off often. I want her to come back. We live in 2 different countries. We have been together for 1 yr and We meet once a month overseas.

The last time we were together was 14-20 Nov 2016. When we returned, she said she was tired of our relationship and asked me to let her go. She said she doesn't have feelings for me anymore... Especially, whenever she recalled the way I scolded her... etc.

What are the ways you can effectively get her back to me ? i stopped contacting her since 3 weeks ago and neither did she call or text me.

I need the most powerful way to make her come back to me by herself.

I have been taking care of her every month and treated her well. but suddenly she gave up..immediately after our vacation due to a bad quarrel.

Please help.

Mr D.

*Extreme Loving Bonding Ritual began on Tuesday, 24 Dec 2016 - 11pm*

>>> 1st Jan 2017, Sunday - 9.48AM - She Called!

Hi Taoist Sorcery Master,

While I was sleeping, my phone rang at 4.25am. It was her number calling. When I answered and said hello many times, there was no response. After a while she hung up. In the past she seldom call at this hour. Secondly, she always uses We-Chat message or call to communicate. she only uses phone number unless urgent or no wifi.

Lastly, I don't know why she didn't speak, although i said hello a few times but this call is very unexpected. knowing her character, she is very stubborn. but i think the fact that she called means she couldn't fight the urge and that she truly misses me.

Is this something very positive, because she is thinking deeply about me and misses me. But yet same time being a very stubborn person, she refuses to speak and just want to hear my voice for a while?

I dont know what to think...but i felt a little happy about this call. Some how this show she has been thinking a lot of me for this call to happen.

I'm encouraged at this stage and look forward to her next action. Please ask the deities to add the Ultimate Power Of Love & Attraction to enhance my desired outcome. Thanks.

- Mr D.

>>> 1st Jan 2017, - 8.52PM - She told me She cried.

Hi Taoist Sorcery Master,

Further updates...

She continued to text me, asking did she phoned me last night. i said yes and told her its okay as it may be a wrong dialing. She said no, she was drunk with a girlfriend and called me. She said she was bit disappointed that i didn't take the call or call back. i replied nicely that i did, just that she didn't speak.

She further told me that she cried in her car for a long time last night and drank a lot. I asked her whats bothering her and that she shouldn't be drinking so much. I said she can share her issues with me. She didn't tell me why she was crying.

I jokingly said that i will dote on her if she listen to me and stop drinking and if not i will not dote on her. She replied okay. and asked me how am i doing recently. which i replied i'm okay still very much the same.

What can you make out of this whole exchanges? she is indirectly trying to tell me something i supposed?

I have not expressed any affections but i maintain a gentlemanly attitude throughout.

Mr D.

>>> 2nd Jan 2017, Sunday - She messaged me back and said she miss me.

Hi Taoist Sorcery Master,

An hour ago she message me back. She said she miss me too. And address me hubby. I address her as wifey. I responded saying to now feel like hugging her and love her nicely. That was 1 hour ago.

Mr D.

>>> 3rd Jan 2017, Tuesday

Hi Taoist Sorcery Master,

After she sent me good morning, i responded nicely saying, you. No respond.

She is halfway and now confused? Hot and cold... and always takes a long time to respond. Sometimes not at all.

Last night she message me...goodnight you. But this morning no affection.

Master please create her obsession towards me to be more consistent if possible.

Mr D.

*Enhancement Ritual was added - 5th Jan 2017, Thursday*

>>> 5 Jan 2017, Thursday - She is looking forward to see me.

Hi Taoist Sorcery Master,

This evening i took the liberty to ask to meet her next week. She initially said nearing new year...may not be good. But later she said will try best. I pressed a little bit and said i really wish to see her. And she replied she is also wanting to see me.

Long story short....she said she will try to arrange to meet but can only confirm in a few days time.

So master...tonight ritual please make this come true. Must happen to make her say yes...she can! Especially this proposed trip. She said twice that she also look forward to want to see me.

Thanks master. This proposed trip is very critical.

>>> 10 Jan 2017, Tuesday - She has just agreed to meet me.

Hi Taoist Sorcery Master,

Quite good so far. But i see that her correspondence with me can be even better. Somehow she seems to still have a little reservation. She has just agreed to meet me...but her tone is still somewhat a bit distant.

Can you please improve that part for Ultimate Affection from her?

>>> 14 Jan 2017, Saturday - Finally, We had an Intimate & Nice Time together once again!

Hi Taoist Sorcery Master,

Just returned from a 4 days holiday trip with her oversea.  Finally, we had an Intimate & Nice Time together once again! Just like in the past! 

Your Taoist Sorcery Skill is super amazing!

However, please pray and make her love for me consistent and deep. And that she will be obsessed with me.

We didn't talk about the separation last 2 months. I just focused on spending time with her.

I want her to love me unconditionally...

Master! Once again, Thanks!
- Mr. D

I felt some kind of presence when I first held the "Gods Of Wealth" Talisman!

Hello Taoist Sorcery Master,

Just wanted to let you know that the talisman arrived today! Got here faster than I expected.

It seemed like I felt some kind of presence when I first held the "Gods Of Wealth" Talisman! I felt uplifted throughout the day!

- Client J,
California , USA

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