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Email Enquiry:

Come out 1st Prize...But forget to buy!

Hi Master,

Thank you for the 4D number.

Today only I check your email and see the 4D number. I was busy with my Deepavali preparation on Sat & Sun.

I totally forgot about this 4D thing. I saw this number got come out Sat draw 26/10 in 1st prize as 4871..

I feel VERY stupid 😭😭 that I did not check the email earlier and buy the number.. My luck was so near and I missed it.. 🙁

- Mahes, Singapore

Related Post: Client Dick Hit 1st Prize (Full System) on Kumantong 4D Prediction

Client Dick Hit 1st Prize (Full System) on Kumantong 4D Prediction

"I've just transferred SGD80 to your account - please check. I've strike 7418 tonight and SGD50 is offering to Kumantong. SGD30 is to request for another prediction." - Dick, Singapore, 26 Oct 2019 (Sat)

Client Dick was given 7418 by Xiao Pang (小胖) for his Kumantong 4D Prediction. At night, on his 1st try, it came out 4871 - 1st Prize. He bet 1 dollar Full System on 7418, therefore he manage to strike Full System 1st Prize - Win SGD$2000.

Video of Candies Offering to Kumantongs 
for helping to Win 1st Prize

Client had sent SGD$50 Ang Bao (Token Of Appreciation) for helping him Strike 1st Prize. Candies Offering is done on his behalf, so that in future, client will be blessed to Strike 4D again and again. This is to always remember where Your wealth come from and remember to show gratitude.

Relate Post: Come out 1st Prize...But forget to buy!

Client Azhar Hit 1st Prize Ibet On Singapore Pools 4D

Client Azhar asked Kumantong 4D Master for help to win Singapore Pool 4D. 4D Numbers - 9691 was given by Blacky Kumantong on Wednesday. On 2nd try, Saturday (19th Oct 2019), 6991 came out as 1st Prize. Client Azhar hit 1st Prize Ibet.

Take Note: 4D Numbers given by Kumantong 4D Master is valid for 3 tries ( 3 Draws).  If really strike, usually may hit TOP 3 Prize. Can be Direct Strike or Ibet Strike. The goal is hop Kumantongs give Yout hit Direct TOP 3 on 1st try. By once again.. there is no confirm sure strike. Play with care.

Update: Client Azhar sent SGD$20 as Token of Appreciation for Winning Ibet 1st Prize (Singapore Pools 4D) .

Offering of Candies are given to Kumantongs on his behalf so that in future, he will be able to Strike 4D again & again. (Chinese Sayings: When You drink water, never forget where the water comes from - 饮水思源).

Video of Candies Offering to Kumantongs
(For Winning Ibet 1st Prize)

Activating Hindu Altar with 36 Heavenly Warriors Talisman..

36 Heavenly Warriors Talisman (Protection All In One) arrived today. Took a photo. Although not a grand altar, it still looks beautiful.

Experienced sort of a strange happening but don't know if it was my imagination or not. I decided to give Bai Tea to Ganesh and Lakshmi.

In my mind I was thinking they might show me a sign through the tea. As I kept arranging the tea on my altar for the "perfect angle" I could only describe as a magnetic pull while arranging tea on goddess Lakshmi's space.

I thought, "that's strange, there's no magnets in the tea." Was Lakshmi trying to tell me that she is present? I can only wonder.

I also made me a temporary plastic cover out of zip lock bags so I can place the talisman on the wall. Then I will get a photo frame.

Update: And also had a dream today that I was in an Asian temple during the consecration ceremony. All the deities started moving like humans. Their arms, feet, etc were moving. I remember being amazed at this phenomenon in the dream.

- Christopher , California USA

Kumantong 4D Power Testimonials

Kumantong 4D Power Testimonials

I trust that you are doing your best to help me - J.S , Malaysia

Malaysia Client J.S Strike Ibet 2nd Prize on Singapore Pools 4D - Win RM870

Client D.Neo Hit Ibet 1st Prize & Gave Ang Bao - SGD$88

Deities and Ghosts help to transfer Assets... with 'Assets Transfer' Ritual

The (Fox Spirit Series) Supreme Sex God (5 in 1) Talisman has a positive influence on me..

Malaysia Client J.S Strike Sports Toto Iperm 1st Prize - Win RM2505!

Malaysia Client J.S Win Abit Only - But Still Very Happy

I'm extremely lucky to be fated to come to your Kumantong 4D Websites

Malaysia Client J.S Hit Sports Toto Direct & Iperm Consolation - Win RM$1530

Malaysia Client J.S Strike Sports Toto 4D 3rd Prize Iperm - Win Only RM315

Client V. Tan Strike Direct Starter with Gods Of Wealth Talisman - Sent Ang Bao SGD$38

Client Z.B Hit Ibet Starter - Gave Ang Bao SGD$30

My dog's health has slowly improved after You did a Ritual...

Miss 1 Number but Client Z.B Still Strike Direct 2nd Prize - Ang Bao SGD$100

Your Kumantong 4D Prediction Method helped me Strike Lottery!

Client Strike 4 out of 7 Numbers from Kumantong Toto Prediction - Win SGD$190

Client Z.B bought the numbers wrongly as 7931 and won Ibet Consolation instead and gave me Ang Bao - SGD$40!

Malaysian Chinese Guy prayed to the Picture of 3 Kumantongs and Strike Toto 4D Ibox 1st Prize

Client Win Ibet Consolation and Sent SGD$20 Ang Bao and a Lesson to Learn

Malaysian Client Strike Magnum 4D Mbox 3rd Prize - Win RM1,512 - Gave Ang Bao - SGD$100

Client Ardi from Australia has been blessed by his 'Supreme Master Investor' 7 in 1 Talisman & 'Gods Of Wealth Of All directions' Talisman

Client Z.B miss her Ibet 1st Prize but still send Ang Bao - SGD$30 !

Client Cham Hit Direct Starter On Singapore Pools 4D - Win SGD$250 But Gave Ang Bao - SGD$88! Very Generous Indeed!

Client W.L pray and seek 4D Numbers from Gods Of Wealth Talisman and Strike Ibet 2nd Prize

Client Z.B Hit Direct 1st Prize - Won SGD$11,000 - Gave SGD$1000 Ang Bao