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Client Strike 4 out of 7 Numbers from Kumantong Toto Prediction - Win SGD$190

"Hi Master, I just transferred $20 as a token as striked set one of the toto nos that was given to me. i.e. Set 1: 47, 15, 43, 35, 21, 03. Three of the nos came out (03,43,47). I added my own #36 to make it a system 7, so I won 4 nos overall. Altho small win, with patience and belief, I am sure bigger wins will come! Thanks Master!" - Z.B, Singapore , 18 July 2022 - Monday

Explanation by Kumantong 4D Master (a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master):

Client Z.B was asking for help to  seek for her Toto Prediction Sets. By praying to Kumantongs and with the Support Of  'Win Toto (Lotto / Bingo) Super Power (7 In 1) Talisman', the 1st set of Kumantong Toto Prediction was able to hit 3 out of 6 numbers plus 1 additional numbered by Client's own pick - Total Strike 4 out of 7 numbers - Win SGD$190.

Related Talisman: The Win Toto (Lotto / Bingo) Super Power (7 In 1) Talisman

Client Z.B bought the numbers wrongly as 7931 and won Ibet Consolation instead and gave me Ang Bao - SGD$40!

"Hi Master, 9731 came out conso direct but I accidentally bought 7931 direct instead..:((( So i striked only permutation..I transferred $40 as a token of thanks to you and kumantong. Can help buy some candies for your kumantong pls as a thank you. It is not much, but hopefully I can give a big ang pow soon. Thank You!" - Client Z.B, Singapore, 10 July 2022 (Sunday)

I (Kumantong 4D Master a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master) won Direct Horse Shit & Ibet Horse Shit. - Total Win SGD$63. >>  Hit Direct Horse Shit & Ibet Horse Shit - Total Win SGD$63 Only

Video of me collecting Real Money & had the Winning Ticket Validated

Malaysian Chinese Guy prayed to the Picture of 3 Kumantongs and Strike Toto 4D Ibox 1st Prize

Last week on the 2nd July (Saturday) I won 4D (iBox). I followed your instructions and prayed to the 3 Kumantongs picture. I prayed to them on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I introduced myself and told them my situation. I asked them for help. I told them the number I want to buy is 9292 and Saturday 2929 opened first prize.

I have made the transfer to you as per below.

I would like to do a SGD150 offering to the 3 Kumantongs and another SGD150 for your AngBao.

I am sorry I could not give more offerings to the 3 Kumantongs and more Ang Bao to you. I need to use some of the winnings to clear some of my debts and also to use for the remaining month. But I am still very surprised and happy that I won first prize iBox. I hope that I can win more so that I can purchase some talisman from you because I am very interested in it. Hopefully I will be able to win more with the blessing and help from the 3 Kumantongs.

You may post this feedback in your blog (show off...Hahahaha), BUT PLEASE DO NOT SHOW MY NAME. I would like to remain anonymous.

Thank you very much Sifu Chia and your 3 Kumantongs. 

Best Regards,
M.T, Malaysia

*M.T from Malaysia didn't have the Validated Winning Ticket  because he bought from "PRIVATE"*


M.T, a Chinese Guy from Malaysia, was trying to research and read about Ji Gong. He was attracted to all my postings in the Taoist Socery Blogs and Kumantong 4D Blogs. He finds it very interesting to know more. Especially the Gods of Wealth Talisman and Protection All-In One Talisman. 

After knowing the fee that I charge to create and spiritual empower the said Talismans, he realised he didn't have the budget to order them at the moment. 

After searching further information, M.T got to know a free method which also have high chance to Strike 4D TOP 3 Prize for himself and other folks before him had Strike Direct TOP 3 Prizes for themselves by applying the same method before.   

That is to:  Look at the Picture of the 3 Kumantongs (showing in all my blogs) and pray to it with both hands together in prayer manner, then buy own numbers. If no numbers, then use  shake cup method. Remember to tell the Kumantongs which 4D counter you are buying , at  Singapore 4D, or Magnum or Toto 4D etc. Tell them to give direct 1st prize.

Even though my Kumantongs are located in Singapore, but they are able to sense folks from all over the world, who are praying to them from the picture online or offline to seek help to Win The Lottery. *Yes, This is no Joke - This is known as Super Natural / Spiritual Power of Gods and Ghosts*.

Do take note that this is not a rare case, nor the 1st time a Person who did prayer this way to Strike 4D. There are many folks before M.T who had Strike 4D Direct TOP 3 Prizes for themselves by praying to the Picture of  my 3 Kumantongs - Because they don't have the money to even pay for my Kumantong 4D Prediction Service. 

Once You have Strike 4D, don't forget to show Your gratitude by sending "Ang Baos" (for Prayer Offerings purposes and my Coffee Money), so that You will continue to Strike and Strike again. Ghosts and Deities don't like Cheapskates and Free-Loaders.  

Related Blogs to read more similar Articles on Lottery Winners who applied the same methods:

Kumantong 4D Power Testimonials

Kumantong 4D Power Testimonials

I trust that you are doing your best to help me - J.S , Malaysia

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I'm extremely lucky to be fated to come to your Kumantong 4D Websites

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Client Z.B Hit Ibet Starter - Gave Ang Bao SGD$30

My dog's health has slowly improved after You did a Ritual...

Miss 1 Number but Client Z.B Still Strike Direct 2nd Prize - Ang Bao SGD$100

Your Kumantong 4D Prediction Method helped me Strike Lottery!

Client Strike 4 out of 7 Numbers from Kumantong Toto Prediction - Win SGD$190

Client Z.B bought the numbers wrongly as 7931 and won Ibet Consolation instead and gave me Ang Bao - SGD$40!

Malaysian Chinese Guy prayed to the Picture of 3 Kumantongs and Strike Toto 4D Ibox 1st Prize

Client Win Ibet Consolation and Sent SGD$20 Ang Bao and a Lesson to Learn

Malaysian Client Strike Magnum 4D Mbox 3rd Prize - Win RM1,512 - Gave Ang Bao - SGD$100

Client Ardi from Australia has been blessed by his 'Supreme Master Investor' 7 in 1 Talisman & 'Gods Of Wealth Of All directions' Talisman

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Client Cham Hit Direct Starter On Singapore Pools 4D - Win SGD$250 But Gave Ang Bao - SGD$88! Very Generous Indeed!

Client W.L pray and seek 4D Numbers from Gods Of Wealth Talisman and Strike Ibet 2nd Prize

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