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I felt it is working already on the 3rd day of wearing it!

Hello Taoist Sorcery Master,

I have received the "Ultimate Sexual Attraction 3 In 1" Talisman (1 out of 3 Version), which I ordered 2 weeks ago. I felt it is working already on the 3rd day of wearing it! Im wearing like an Identification card. on my neck! 😀

- Ama
Antipolo City, Philippines

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Honest review from a Westerner who kept several Taoist Talismans

Hi Taoist Sorcery Master (a.k.a Kumantong 4D Master),

I had previously purchased the 'Protection All In One' Talisman , I have been fully satisfied by this talisman and will order other talismans from you in the future.

Also a note on the 'Ultimate Salesman' Talisman I purchased. I have not noticed a huge difference in how people perceive me, or that people perceive me as charming.

However, my supervisor has commented that we're making more sales then the other store. To be clear, our storefront has two buildings side by side, however each store has a manager whose income is tied to that store..

The main building is larger and has much more salespeople, but they are making less sales. Anyways, even though I have not really been impressed by the sales talisman yet, it is bringing in more business gradually.

-M.Q , United States

Words Of Wisdom from Taoist Sorcery Master:

When a Talisman is kept or used, or after a ritual is done, whether the result is fast or the effect is slow, folks shall be patient and let the magic works by itself at it's own timing. Different folks, different fate, therefore different timing. 

Deities, divine entities, or ghosts are preparing and guiding You for Your success.

When the time is right, flowers will blossom. When Your time comes, You will prosper.

Kumantongs answered my prayer - They help me to clear my this month bill!

Hi Kumantong 4D Master,

When You were away for spiritual retreat and couldn't help me seek 4D Numbers from Your Kumantongs directly, I followed Your advice and prayed to the photo of the 3 Kumantongs shown on Your Blogs. I told them my personal number that I wish to strike. Indeed, Kumantongs answered my prayer! My own 4D numbers came out! It helps me to clear my this month bill.

Thanks to your advice and Your kumantongs. I have transferred $20 to you and kumantongs. Sorry for not being able to transfer much as i need to clear my debts bit by bit. I will continue to pray to the photo till you come back.

Miss Ooi - Singapore
9 Nov 2016

The 'God OF Wealth' Talisman is awesome!

Hey bro...

The 'God Of Wealth' Talisman is awesome!
I played 4 number (Pick 4 Lottery) they gave me, and I almost won ;)
I just didn't play it long enough...
Going to keep trying and work is good and plenty.

Thanks again,
New York, USA

Tips from Taoist Sorcery Master:

The same method of Winning Singapore  & Malaysia 4D Lottery, by using Taoist Sorcery Method (Example: Gods Of Wealth Talisman), can be applied to Winning The Pick 3 / Pick 4 Lotteries in United States, or any countries that have Pick 3 / Pick 4 Lottery. 

How to pray & seek Your own personal 4D Numbers.. 

Shake A Cup & Win The Money! => Pray to the deities invoked  in the 
Gods Of Wealth Talisman... Then  apply "Shake a Cup of Numbers" Method, or apply 'Pendulum' Method.  You will be surprised how accurate the result is... Either You strike a Prize, or if no strike.. at least 3 out of 4 numbers  come out correctly most of the time.  No more wasting many hours reading the Lottery Books & analyzing the Lottery Software.

Press A Button & Win The Money! => To predict other Lottery (Lotto, Power Ball, Mega Millions etc) Numbers, You can use a Bingo Toy (Battery Operated One is Best - Just Press a Button) together with the Gods Of Wealth Talisman

I Strike 4D Starter $500! I have just transferred $100 to You!

Kumantong 4D Master! I striked 4D Starter $500! I bought $2 big system on 1335. Your Kumantongs helped me WIN again!!! I have just transferred $100 to You and please help me to buy Candies & Toys for Kumantongs.

- Miss Ooi,
12 Oct 2016 (Wed)

My mom and I strike Singapore 4D Starter - By Praying To Your Kumantongs

I sent you some money yesterday.

Thanks to your KMTs (Kumantongs) . My mom and I strike Singapore 4D Starter last Sunday (1086 was given - we bought a roll) by praying to Your Kumantongs.

Help me buy some candies for your Kumantongs.
I had transferred 60 dollars to You.


6 October 2016

Been sending Ang Bao money to You & Your KMTs for the past 3 months!

My mom and I have been sending Ang Bao money to you & your kumantongs for the past 3 months!

While you were away on spiritual retreat, we followed your instructions, prayed to your 3 Kumantongs and get 4D numbers by ourselves.

I use the "Shake The cup" method and got myself 3 sets of numbers over 3 months. 1 number came out 3rd prize (but I didnt buy). The rest I won small small iBet consolation prize. My mom won 4D 1st Prize last month as well!

All the number I asked for were at least 85 percent accurate. Ahaha! Oh well better buy than not buy. Worst case is just miss by 1 number! Amazing!

Wil, Singapore

My partner is missing me now! Thanks for the "Love Bonding" Ritual!

My partner is missing me now and wants to reunite with me soon. You were so right! I just have to wait patiently! Thanks for the "Love Bonding" Ritual and the Taoist Deities, 5 ghosts and Spiritual Soldiers for helping me out - Anonymous

I can sense the Love Bonding Ritual taking effect on both of us!

He used to get angry for no reason with me. Since You start to perform the Love Bonding Ritual, the bondage between us is taking its course nicely and deeply. I can totally sense how the Love Bonding Ritual is taking the precious effect on both of us! Thank you most kindly - Anonymous

My beloved partner and I are back together!

My beloved partner and I are back together! Thank you most kindly and thank you so very much for all of this. Life has purpose and meaning again :) I adore my partner.Thank to all the beloved deities of this precious ritual who listened. - Anonymous

You are a BLESSING and a FRIEND...

Your heavenly skills don't need any advertising. You are a blessing and a friend. - Anonymous

I have just make a transfer of S$238 to your account for Ang Bao for You and Offerings for Kumantongs - Strike Direct 3rd Prize

Dear Kumantong 4D Master,

Good day!

Many thanks to you and your Kumantong. Your kumantongs help me to strike again. I have just make a transfer of S$238/- to your account for Ang Bao for you and Offerings for kumantongs. Please help me to buy Candies/Toys for offering to your Kumantongs.

This is my appreciation to Kumantong 4D Master and Kumantongs for blessing me to strike my own number 1706 - Direct 3rd Prize yesterday - 29 May 2016 - Sunday.

Thanks also for the blessing from the Talismans.

May your kumantong continue to bless me.

Thanks and best regards.

Help me buy candy for Your Kumantongs - Strike Ibet Starter

Hi Bro,

I strike 4d Ibet, 3186 - Starter.
I transferred 20 to you.
Can you help me buy candy for Your Kumantongs.

Thank you bro. :)

Your 3 Kumantongs have been blessing me to strike 4D & Toto Lottery.

Miss. B.C
29 May 2016 - Sunday

I felt some energy when the moment I received the "Yin Shan Sect 7 In 1 Wealth" (Fast & Furious) Talisman


The "Yin Shan Sect 7 In 1 Wealth" (Fast & Furious) Talisman has been well received. I donno is it psychologically i was so excited or what, i felt some energy when the moment i took over the envelope from the post officer. My heart beat beats Loud and fast while i was holding it through out.

I have also did what you said by framing the talisman up and ask for numbers.

Hope there will be some good news soon.

Thank you!

From: I. Ng

Help me buy some sweets for Your kumantongs please - Strike 400 Toto

Bro, I transferred 50 to you.
I strike 400 toto.

Can you help me buy some sweets for Your kumantongs please?

19 April 2016 - Thursday

Your kumantong help me to strike again - Strike my own number 1006 ibet and 3123 direct on Wednesday - 11 May 2016

Dear Kumantong 4D Master,

Good day!

Many thanks to you and your Kumantongs. Your kumantongs help me to strike again. I have just make a transfer of S$128/- to your account for Ang Bao for you and Offerings for kumantongs. Please help me to buy Candies/Toys for offering to your Kumantongs.

This is my appreciation to Kumantong 4D Master and Kumantongs for blessing me to strike my own number 1006 ibet and 3123 direct on Wednesday - 11 May 2016. Hope it will come out again direct this weekend.

Thanks also for the blessing from the Talismans.
May your kumantong continue to bless me.

Thanks and best regards,

Transferred 150 to You - I won 2nd Prize Ibet - I prayed to the picture of Your 3 Kumantongs

Hi Bro, I transferred 150 to you. Can you help me buy some presents for your kumantongs please? I won 2nd Prize Ibet (5142) - SGD$820 - 8 May 2016 (Sunday). I prayed to the picture of Your 3 Kumantongs. Thank u so much.

Thusday (5 May 2016) strike abit Toto, Sunday (8 May 2016) strike 4D 2nd Prize Ibet.

Miss B.C - Singapore
8 May 2016, Sunday

Transferred 100 to You because I strike a bit of Toto

Bro, I transferred 100 to You because I strike a bit of Toto. I anyhow hantum. Strike 400. Thanks for your 指点 (Advice). In my heart, I got see the pic of Your 3 Kumantongs and ask for help and then pray to my own kumantong by lighting up a candle.

Miss B.C - Singapore
5 May 2016 - Thursday

Your kumantongs help me to strike again! - 2nd Prize Ibet

Dear Kumantong 4D Master,

Good day!

Many thanks to you and your Kumantongs. Your kumantongs help me to strike again! I have just make a transfer of Kopi-Money to your account for Ang Bao for you and Offerings for kumantong. Please help me to buy Candies/Toys for offering to your Kumantong.

This is my appreciation to Kumantong 4D Master and Your Kumantongs for blessing me to strike my own number 1006 - 2nd Prize, Ibet yesterday - Sat - 2nd April 2016. Hope it will come out today direct.

Thanks also for the blessing from the Taoist Talismans.

May your kumantongs continue to bless me.

Thanks and best regards,

I prayed and wish for my own personal 4D Numbers from the photo of the 3 Kumantongs - It worked

Hi Kumantong 4D Master..

Remember I told you that I had insufficient fund to buy Kumantong Oil Bottle and You told me to pray directly to the 3 Kumantongs on the Photo?

Desperately, I prayed and wish for my own personal 4D Numbers from the photo of the 3 Kumantongs by applying the "shake cup" method. Guess what? It worked.

Kumantongs let me hit 4D starter in my 1st attempt. I've won $250. I really appreciate it. I will transfer offering to you for your prayer and their candies toys..

As this is my first try, I really hope will strike more so I have enough to buy the kumantong oil bottle from you.

- S.L , SG

I've received the 'Academic Excellence 3 In 1' Talisman. It looks beautiful and powerful! I'm humbled - T.G, USA

I've received the 'Academic Excellence 3 In 1' Talisman.
It looks beautiful and powerful!
Thank you, I'm humbled. - T.G, USA

Related Post: Academic Excellence Talisman

SGD$25 Ang Bao for Striking Blacky Kumantong's 4D Prediction On Singapore Pools 4D

Hi Kumantong 4D Master,

I just transferred $25 to POSB Saving Acc. Just hit a starter on SGPools with Blacky Kumantong's prediction. It is my 5th attempt. Hopefully more to come.

Thanks & Regards,
Ah Ben

Fox Spirit Talisman Is Working Already! - A.Z, USA

Sharing good news -- feel fox spirit is working already and got lucky in finding some answers to spiritual issues in struggling with and even shared w friend who is also having issues.

Blessings to u and all of us. Grateful to chance upon u and ur offerings. Thank u for posting talisman and all your help.

Rock On,

Related Post: Fox Spirit Sexual-Attraction Talisman Of Mao-Shan Sect Black Magic - Opposite Sex Naturally Self-Coming (茅山狐仙迷人符)

Once I'm Blessed by Your Kumantongs, I've Strike 4D Non-Stop!

Dear Kumantong 4D  Master,
Good day!

Once I'm blessed by Your Kumantongs, I've Strike 4D Non-Stop!

Many thanks to you and your Kumantongs. Your Kumantongs help me to strike again. I have just make a transfer of S$38/- to your account for Ang Bao as you and Offerings for Kumantongs. Please help me to buy Candies/Toys for offering to your Kumantongs.

This is my appreciation to Kumantong 4D Master and Kumantongs for blessing me to strike my own number 2017- Direct Starter on Sunday - 31 Jan 2016

Thanks also for the blessings from the Talismans that You have created and empowered for me.

- Cham, Singapore

"I had a small winning... Thanks to Your Gods Of Wealth Talisman" - Ah Ho

I had a small winning and have transferred $20 to Your Account as a Token / Donation. Thanks to Your Gods Of Wealth Of All Directions Talisman  - Ah Ho, Singapore - 26 Jan 2015 (Tues)

Strike Again & Again & Again By Praying To Her Kumantongs

Dear Kumantong Master,
Good day!

Many thanks to you and your Kumantongs. Your kumantongs help me to strike again.  I have just make a transfer of S$138/- to your account for Ang Bao for you and Offerings for kumantongs. Please help me to buy Candies/Toys for offering to your Kumantong.

This is my appreciation to Kumantong Master and Kumantong  for blessing me to strike my own number 7337 System 1st Prize on Sunday - 10 Jan 2016.

- Cham, Singapore

From Financial Problem To Financial Freedom - Through The Power Of Kumantongs

I was facing deep financial problem during the period of 2013.

Like most people, when life is smooth, they will shunt away  from anything spiritual and consider them as bullshit.  I used to be like that too. Due to my desperate situation, I end up seeking spiritual intervention to clear my money problem.

I  was searching online with the search terms like,  'How To Strike Lottery  with black magic', 'How to ask ghosts for 4D numbers' etc. I was very lucky to land on Kumantong 4D Master's Blogs / Websites.

After reading the articles about folks getting blessed by his Kumantongs for letting them Strike The Lottery, I decided to follow the same method by just sincerely praying on his Kumantongs' Picture to seek own private personal 4D numbers, because I can't afford the fee for Kumantong 4D Prediction at that time.

On the very 1st try, I managed to strike 4D Starter on 1st June 2013 - Saturday. Immediately, I sent over my Token Of Appreciation as Ang Bao to Kumantong 4D Master and offerings to his Kumantongs.

From then on, I always pray to his Kumantongs before I seek 4D Numbers or buy my own personal 4D Numbers. Since then, I have been striking 4D Direct Prizes (TOP 3 Prizes & Starters) very often and continue to send Ang Baos to Kumantong 4D Master and offerings to his Kumantongs.

By the way, I have used some of my winnings to buy the powerful talismans done by Kumantong 4D Master, a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master.

Now, my financial problems have been cleared and I continue looking forward to more 4D winnings.

All Thanks to Kumantong 4D Master and his Kumantongs.

- Cham, Singapore
One of the big Ang Bao  from Cham...

She strikes 4D Direct Prizes again and again from the blessing of Kumantongs

Dear Kumantong 4D Master,
Good day!

Many thanks to you and your Kumantongs. Your kumantongs help me to strike again.  I have just make a transfer of S$38/- to your account for Ang Bao for you and Offerings for kumantongs. Please help me to buy Candies/Toys for offering to your Kumantongs.

This is my appreciation to Kumantong Master and Kumantongs  for blessing me to strike my own number 3123 again on Wednesday - 6 Jan 2016

- Cham, Singapore

Kumantong 4D Power Testimonials

Kumantong 4D Power Testimonials

I trust that you are doing your best to help me - J.S , Malaysia

Malaysia Client J.S Strike Ibet 2nd Prize on Singapore Pools 4D - Win RM870

Client D.Neo Hit Ibet 1st Prize & Gave Ang Bao - SGD$88

Deities and Ghosts help to transfer Assets... with 'Assets Transfer' Ritual

The (Fox Spirit Series) Supreme Sex God (5 in 1) Talisman has a positive influence on me..

Malaysia Client J.S Strike Sports Toto Iperm 1st Prize - Win RM2505!

Malaysia Client J.S Win Abit Only - But Still Very Happy

I'm extremely lucky to be fated to come to your Kumantong 4D Websites

Malaysia Client J.S Hit Sports Toto Direct & Iperm Consolation - Win RM$1530

Malaysia Client J.S Strike Sports Toto 4D 3rd Prize Iperm - Win Only RM315

Client V. Tan Strike Direct Starter with Gods Of Wealth Talisman - Sent Ang Bao SGD$38

Client Z.B Hit Ibet Starter - Gave Ang Bao SGD$30

My dog's health has slowly improved after You did a Ritual...

Miss 1 Number but Client Z.B Still Strike Direct 2nd Prize - Ang Bao SGD$100

Your Kumantong 4D Prediction Method helped me Strike Lottery!

Client Strike 4 out of 7 Numbers from Kumantong Toto Prediction - Win SGD$190

Client Z.B bought the numbers wrongly as 7931 and won Ibet Consolation instead and gave me Ang Bao - SGD$40!

Malaysian Chinese Guy prayed to the Picture of 3 Kumantongs and Strike Toto 4D Ibox 1st Prize

Client Win Ibet Consolation and Sent SGD$20 Ang Bao and a Lesson to Learn

Malaysian Client Strike Magnum 4D Mbox 3rd Prize - Win RM1,512 - Gave Ang Bao - SGD$100

Client Ardi from Australia has been blessed by his 'Supreme Master Investor' 7 in 1 Talisman & 'Gods Of Wealth Of All directions' Talisman

Client Z.B miss her Ibet 1st Prize but still send Ang Bao - SGD$30 !

Client Cham Hit Direct Starter On Singapore Pools 4D - Win SGD$250 But Gave Ang Bao - SGD$88! Very Generous Indeed!

Client W.L pray and seek 4D Numbers from Gods Of Wealth Talisman and Strike Ibet 2nd Prize

Client Z.B Hit Direct 1st Prize - Won SGD$11,000 - Gave SGD$1000 Ang Bao