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Ang Bao of SGD$38 from Old Time Client for Winning 2nd Prize on her own 4D Number

Dear Kumantong Master,

Good day!

Many thanks to you and your Kumantong. Your kumantong help me to strike again. I have just make a transfer of S$38/- to your account for Ang Bao for you and Offerings for kumantong. Please help me to buy Candies/Toys for offering to your Kumantong.

This is my appreciation to Kumantong Master and Kumantong for blessing me to strike my own number 3239 yesterday.

Thanks also for the blessing from the Talismans.

May your kumantong continue to bless me to strike again.

Thanks and best regards.

Client Chamelene has been blessed by the 'Gods Of Wealth' Talisman & Kumantongs (from Kumantong 4D Master) again and again..

Strike Magnum 4D Prediction on Toto 4D 2nd Prize on 2nd try!

Hi There,

So sorry I didnt get your name, may I know your name instead of calling you "there" all the time? Dont know where to start, I dont know its a good news or bad.

The number unfortunately didnt appear on Magnum, not even close to any of the number there on first and second day. It hurts so much especially on the first day. Yes I know there is no such things as confirm will win number, its just a prediction given by Kumantong and I already expect it but you know the feelings when you are extremely desperate and that is the final way, like other human being Im putting a very high expectation and the higher you go the harder you fall. That would be best to describe my feelings especially on the first day.

I bet kind of a lot of first day (a lot to me especially when Im in this situation, approximately RM120 or more) so its very painful. I haven't give up so I try again on second day (Sunday) and same feelings but less pain as I prepare myself to fall though the expectation are still high (not as high as first day). I bought and waited till 7.30pm to have complete result out.. Ouch, another fall. I sat down and my mind was totally blank. My only hope was gone too.. keep telling myself I had been told to try 3 times and maybe there are miracle but deep down inside my mind I know I should have not put so much hope and someone text me.

I totally forgot that I did asked my friend to help me buy on Toto and Kuda as well. I bought RM1 for each combination number of 3519 and I strike second prize for Toto. I get RM1100 (additional 10% for 'private lobang') on second try. Its a mix feelings, I dont know whether I should be happy or sad. I requested Magnum but it appears on Toto. Maybe it was Kumantong or maybe it was just pure coincidence.

I dont know, I really dont know but I know for sure its a sign of relieves, at least I got some cash to roll for third try and maybe buy some drinks and sweets for Kumantong. I did google and came across articles saying they likes sweet drinks and sweets. I always see vitagen and sweets as offering. I am not good in paypal, can you help me request a small amount of SGD28 from Paypal like last time and help me buy some sweets and vitagen for Kumantong.

I know its not a big amount and I need to trouble you but if this is really helps from Kumantong I would love to do some offering. I was brought up in a family to never take favour and if you do always find way to pay back. I can't contribute much but I guess a small gesture will be good.

Thank you
- P.Y, Malacca

Important Note from Kumantong 4D Master: 4D Numbers given is valid for 3 tries (3 draws). No confirm sure win. If really strike, usually is on top 3 prize, can be direct strike or mbox / ibox strike. The goal is hope it comes out direct top 3 prize on 1st try.

Jade Emperor blessed me with a successful job application- Xavier, Philippines

Dear Si-Fu Super Kumantong,

I just wanted to let you know for the past five years I have enjoyed visiting your website and I thank you for all of the information there. I have personally begun to learn and appreciate Taoism altogether.

Two weeks ago when I was looking for a new job I just decided out of chance to visit a Taoist temple in my area and I prayed to the Jade Emperor that my job application would be a success. And just three days later I received a call from the company I applied and told me I was accepted into their company! 😄 I could not contain my joy upon hearing the news.

Could you advise me the best way I could show my thanks to the Jade Emperor for his intervention? Thank you once again. 🙏

Yours truly,
Xavier , Philippines

*Sifu Super Kumantong Replied:
Go back to the same temple, buy a pack of Joss Papers (Ti Gong Kim) and joss sticks to offer and thank the Jade Emporer.

2 Taoist Sorcery Talismans all the way to Italy

The 2 Talismans have arrived now. They are beautiful and I feels that they have a beautifu lspiritual energy! Thank You very much" - Mr. Italy, 11 Sept  2018.

Note: Mr. Italy had ordered 'Ultimate Sexual Attraction 3 In 1' Talisman last time and found it to be effective, therefore he decided to order the Fox Spirit Talisman and Gods Of Wealth Talisman.

Related Articles:
Related Websites / Blogs:

Testimonial for the Ultimate Salesman Talisman - I keep seeing money flowing in to my account

"Hi Shi Fu, I have received the talisman a week ago. The amazing part of this talisman is that .. even if it is not related to my sales job, somehow I keep seeing money flowing in to my account. My items that were not selling online.. all were sold within this few days! Thank you for creating such an effective talisman!" - Isa Ng , SG - 6 Sept 2018

Client order another same Talisman for her friend:
"Hi Shi Fu, Just told my friend about the effect of this talisman. I would like to order from you another Ultimate Sales man talisman and the payment is made. " - Isa Ng , SG - 6 Sept 2018

Related Post: The 'Ultimate Salesman' Talisman

The Five Ghost Talisman has been helping me clear some of my debts!

Hi Taoist Sorcery Master!

I am happy to tell you that I believe the Five Ghost Talisman You created for me has been helping me overcome some of my problems.

It is like this...

I owe a lot of debts to money lenders.

Lately, I prayed for help and somehow I felt that I was given money here and there to clear some of them.

I still owe a lot of debts but at least the talisman did help me alleviate some of it.

So I just want to give back a small token as appreciation, and to seek more blessings from them to help me through this difficult times to completely clear all my debts.

I would contribute SGD50.00 as appreciation and to seek further empowerment to help me solve this crisis.

Master, please keep my testimony private and confidential.

Thank You Taoist Sorcery Master!

Best Regards,
Happy Believer (Of Taoist Sorcery)

These are the following talismans that Client 'Happy Believer' have owned:
1. Protection All-in-One (36 Deities) Talisman
2. Gods of Wealth of All Directions Talisman
3. Yin Shan Sect Fast Furious (7 in 1) Talisman
4. Ultimate 5 Ghosts Multi-Purpose Talisman 

Important Note: Client has been encouraged to seek Lottery Numbers (4D numbers / Toto numbers) from the 5 ghosts by praying to the 5 ghosts talisman and using the "Shake Cup" Method (To shake for numbers). This way, there is high chance to Strike Direct Top 3 very often, and easier to clear his debts faster. The reason is because with the support from the spirit entities, winning the lottery is very easy. (Taoist Sorcery Master a.k.a Kumatnong 4D Master is the best living example how he strikes his own 4D by applying what he preaches to the followers -

Caution: Never bet on Lottery if You never know how to seek help from gods and ghosts. You will never strike.

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Sending Taoist Talismans all the way from Singapore to Malta

Hello my dear sincere friend Super Kumantong,

Please note that today my order of the 2 Talismans was delivered to me and I would like to say that your Talismans are amazing and I am really astounded about them.

Thank you.

With all my sincerest regards,
- Gae, Malta

SGD$18 Ang Bao to Kumantong 4D Master for Winning her own 4D number on 2nd & Consolation

Dear Kumantong 4D Master,

Good day!

Many thanks to you and your Kumantong. Your kumantong help me to strike again. I have just make a transfer of S$18/- to your account for Ang Bao for you and Offerings for kumantong. Please help me to buy Candies/Toys for offering to your Kumantong.

This is my appreciation to Kumantong Master and Kumantong for blessing me to strike my own number Ibet 1967 yesterday.

Thanks also for the blessing from the Talismans.
May your kumantongs continue to bless me.

Thanks and best regards.
Chamelene, SG
28 June 2018

Related Websites:
Kumantong 4D Power >>
Talisman For You >>
Kumantong For You >>

Even computer predictions can never be accurate as You..

Master, this month the number you gave me never open but jumped. I never get sad or angry about it. But this shows that you and your kids are real deal that really have some magic powers, even computer predictions can never be accurate as you. I won't blame you or your kids for anything as gambling is just a matter of luck also and the gov is controlling the game behind. If one day I really win 200k or more from you. I will start to do big donations around me to help people for sure and donate back some to you also. I will just bet all your numbers within my means with $1 to $10 6 draws, won't be too much and the winning amounts will still be good.

- Kah, SG

Almost throw away the Winng Ticket - Hit Direct System on Starter - SGD$500

Raya (Jun) testimonial await top prize -wed 27
20 dollar credited and some candy for him-TQ
I almost crash (evening) but a feeling ask me to look again (midnight). Despite sat turn down.. Not mistake me as I am sad at first glance but I still put hope for Wednesday. Haha it really appear it has - hit a jackpot. my apologise for ugly face of the ticket slip. I have a really bad time in the afternoon I hit my head badly over my brother rushing for a bus arrival the ceiling at the bus stop with poor misjudgement by the urgent cause as a result some moody and angry incident early on.. Yeah- this Wednesday will a victory- cheers
I was emotionally sad despite that having some bad times. I could not believe that I win starter *ibet. A good start of the Raya for Jun 2018 although it did not came to the Top but really help in giving the positive outcome for smooth journey and never too quick to judge you will never know what next will happen. The open door of hope! -My Gratitude to you and -"kumantong some candy for you". I have transferred $20 *Quote: - More candy coming 

- Client Hew Raven , Singapore
- 24th June 2018  (Sunday)

*A Short Note from Kumantong 4D Master : Client bought $2 Direct System ,  Starter came out as 4121 , therefore he should had won SGD$500.

Your kids seems to be real powerful - My mum Strike 4D

Kumantong 4D Master,

Your kids seems to be real powerful.

After I prayed to the picture of the 3 Kumantongs , my mum seems to strike a small sum these few weeks.

I also introduced your blog to my friend. He said that after praying to it, he seems to get hit by someone lightly at the back of his head from nowhere, what does this means and you seems to be quite powerful.

K.K Tan , Singapore
8th June 2018

Client sending other people's amulets / takruts away after getting powerful Kumantong and Taoist Talisman from Taoist Sorcery Master

Client Lim: 
"Hi Master, I need some advice from you. Previously, I bought some Thailand Takrut and amulet from a local dealer by postage, but seriously I do not know if they were spiritually activated. And I do not remember who I got them from because I couldn't find them on Facebook anymore.

Let's assume they were spiritually activated, I would like to send them away since I already got Your powerful Kumantong and God of Wealth Talisman from you.  Is there anyway I can send them away without offending them? Thank you."

Taoist Sorcery Master (a.k.a Kumantong 4D Master):

You can cast them onto the flowing river or sea. Then light up incense sticks and thank them for their help. You can stick the Joss Sticks on the sand or grass patch, burn few pieces of Kim Zua (Joss Papers for the deities level) at the spot.

Related Post:
How to properly send off deities and ghosts from spiritual items - takruts / amulets / talismans?

Thank you very much for the winning number - SGD$200 Ang Bao

"Hi, Thank you very much for the winning number 7997 that I received last night. I strike Starter price after a long dry period. I have transferred $200 to your account to thank you and Kumantong."
- D.K , Singapore - 8 April 2018 - Sunday.

Kumantong 4D Master's own Winning Tickets

I laugh when 'Smart' Ass ask me ... "If so Accurate, why You don't buy the numbers for Yourself?" Because I personally also strike on Clients' 4D Prediction Numbers given by my Kumantongs.

Collecting Money from SG Pools

Not like other 4D 'Masters', Only Kumantong 4D Master will bet on the 4D Predictions sent to Clients because he belief there is a high chance the numbers given will strike Direct TOP 3 Prizes.

Related Post: Win SGD$1000 for myself - With Client's 4D Numbers

Hi! Kumantong 4D Master! Chun Chun Starter!

"Hi Kumantong 4D Master, See attached. Chun Chun starter! Small amount but still very happy! Have a Nice Kopi!"

One guy ordered a Mini Oil Bottle Kumantong (owned and trained by me - Kumantong 4D Master) from me not long ago... and have been striking his own 4D by himself ever since.

Take note that a Kumantong from me (Kumantong 4D Master)  is very expensive, not many people can afford it or interested to pay with that type of price. There is no online auction and no discount. Prices and Fees will become more expensive as time goes by. Winnings and testimonials shown are all genuine, NOT Photoshopped.

Related Website: Kumantong For You

$100 Ang Bao From Client Who Strike 4D Direct 2nd Prize

A new client whose dad has money problem, sought help from Kumantong 4D Master to help him strike 4D. He paid the fee and was given Kumantong 4D Prediction for Wednesday (14 Feb 2018), one day before Chinese New Year Eve 2018.

Indeed, at night, the number come out as Direct 2nd Prize.

Fools like us who believe in the spiritual power of gods and ghosts, will be blessed to strike 4D.

Related Post:

Positive Feedback from A Taoist New Yorker On Improvising A Mini Taoist Altar & Burning Of Joss Papers

Thanks very much Taoist Sorcerer, I did it on the day of the full moon.

My set up wasn't the best ( pic attached... I used tinfoil to make a container for the joss papers ) . When I said the Chinese Prayers (Taoist 10 Important Chants) while holding the mini Joss Sticks and burn the Joss Papers, I basically said thank you to the Dieties for their help, and asked for continued help etc.

A few interesting sensations while I was doing this: As my eyes were closed and I was saying the prayers, I could feel being surrounded by very large figures, and could see a few with my eyes closed (all Male) , they looked like Chinese governmental officials would look like from few hundred years ago... like some of the Dieties represented in Taoist statues and images... except I saw them as made of different colored lines... like glowing line drawings.

After I burned the joss papers, I went to another room, and promptly felt a goos-bump chill feeling wash over me, but it wasn't unpleasant , it was sort of shocking but felt good.

I'm going to do this every 1st and 15th of the Chinese calendar that I can.

- Taoist New Yorker, USA
- 7th Feb 2018

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Testimonials of 'Protection All In One' Talisman & 'Ultimate Playboy 3 In 1' Talisman from a New York Man

Hi Taoist Sorcerer,

An update on the Talismans you created for me..

The Protection All In One Talisman - Nothing terrible has happened to me since I got it, and my life has been going through some difficult yet necessary changes( a shedding of false friends etc etc etc) towards upward progression etc. I have hung that Talisman above the inside of my front door and stop on occasion to ask for help with progression in my life etc.

The Ultimate 3 in 1 Playboy Talisman - About a month after I got it, I had a wild and passionate weekend with a beautiful younger woman (16yrs difference) after not getting 'any' for two(!!!) years. I will see her about twice a year when she is up here for business, but I have no doubt that if she lived in NYC she and I would be a couple etc. I have only gotten some from another woman once after that, but that is due to my own karma... i.e. generally bad luck in this area... there have been many opportunities, but something seems to get in the way... BUT much less so than before, so I know that Sù Nǚ (素女) is helping me, given my own unique circumstances .

Anyway, thank you very much, hope all is well in Singapore, and I wish you a Great and Prosperous Chinese New Year!

Mr New York - 31st Jan 2018.

Since Getting A Kumantong From U, I had Strike Ibet Starter & Toto System...

Kumantong 4D Master,

Since getting a Kumantong from U, I had Strike Ibet Starter and Toto System from "Shake A Cup" Method.

Both small amounts but I can already feel the difference. I had missed TOP 3 by one number on 2 occasions. All these since end Dec 2017 only. I think better things are coming.

Had sent You a Small Token Of Appreciation to Your Bank Account.

- Ah K. , SG

Kumantong 4D Power Testimonials

Kumantong 4D Power Testimonials

I trust that you are doing your best to help me - J.S , Malaysia

Malaysia Client J.S Strike Ibet 2nd Prize on Singapore Pools 4D - Win RM870

Client D.Neo Hit Ibet 1st Prize & Gave Ang Bao - SGD$88

Deities and Ghosts help to transfer Assets... with 'Assets Transfer' Ritual

The (Fox Spirit Series) Supreme Sex God (5 in 1) Talisman has a positive influence on me..

Malaysia Client J.S Strike Sports Toto Iperm 1st Prize - Win RM2505!

Malaysia Client J.S Win Abit Only - But Still Very Happy

I'm extremely lucky to be fated to come to your Kumantong 4D Websites

Malaysia Client J.S Hit Sports Toto Direct & Iperm Consolation - Win RM$1530

Malaysia Client J.S Strike Sports Toto 4D 3rd Prize Iperm - Win Only RM315

Client V. Tan Strike Direct Starter with Gods Of Wealth Talisman - Sent Ang Bao SGD$38

Client Z.B Hit Ibet Starter - Gave Ang Bao SGD$30

My dog's health has slowly improved after You did a Ritual...

Miss 1 Number but Client Z.B Still Strike Direct 2nd Prize - Ang Bao SGD$100

Your Kumantong 4D Prediction Method helped me Strike Lottery!

Client Strike 4 out of 7 Numbers from Kumantong Toto Prediction - Win SGD$190

Client Z.B bought the numbers wrongly as 7931 and won Ibet Consolation instead and gave me Ang Bao - SGD$40!

Malaysian Chinese Guy prayed to the Picture of 3 Kumantongs and Strike Toto 4D Ibox 1st Prize

Client Win Ibet Consolation and Sent SGD$20 Ang Bao and a Lesson to Learn

Malaysian Client Strike Magnum 4D Mbox 3rd Prize - Win RM1,512 - Gave Ang Bao - SGD$100

Client Ardi from Australia has been blessed by his 'Supreme Master Investor' 7 in 1 Talisman & 'Gods Of Wealth Of All directions' Talisman

Client Z.B miss her Ibet 1st Prize but still send Ang Bao - SGD$30 !

Client Cham Hit Direct Starter On Singapore Pools 4D - Win SGD$250 But Gave Ang Bao - SGD$88! Very Generous Indeed!

Client W.L pray and seek 4D Numbers from Gods Of Wealth Talisman and Strike Ibet 2nd Prize

Client Z.B Hit Direct 1st Prize - Won SGD$11,000 - Gave SGD$1000 Ang Bao