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Strike Magnum 4D Prediction on Toto 4D 2nd Prize on 2nd try!

Hi There,

So sorry I didnt get your name, may I know your name instead of calling you "there" all the time? Dont know where to start, I dont know its a good news or bad.

The number unfortunately didnt appear on Magnum, not even close to any of the number there on first and second day. It hurts so much especially on the first day. Yes I know there is no such things as confirm will win number, its just a prediction given by Kumantong and I already expect it but you know the feelings when you are extremely desperate and that is the final way, like other human being Im putting a very high expectation and the higher you go the harder you fall. That would be best to describe my feelings especially on the first day.

I bet kind of a lot of first day (a lot to me especially when Im in this situation, approximately RM120 or more) so its very painful. I haven't give up so I try again on second day (Sunday) and same feelings but less pain as I prepare myself to fall though the expectation are still high (not as high as first day). I bought and waited till 7.30pm to have complete result out.. Ouch, another fall. I sat down and my mind was totally blank. My only hope was gone too.. keep telling myself I had been told to try 3 times and maybe there are miracle but deep down inside my mind I know I should have not put so much hope and someone text me.

I totally forgot that I did asked my friend to help me buy on Toto and Kuda as well. I bought RM1 for each combination number of 3519 and I strike second prize for Toto. I get RM1100 (additional 10% for 'private lobang') on second try. Its a mix feelings, I dont know whether I should be happy or sad. I requested Magnum but it appears on Toto. Maybe it was Kumantong or maybe it was just pure coincidence.

I dont know, I really dont know but I know for sure its a sign of relieves, at least I got some cash to roll for third try and maybe buy some drinks and sweets for Kumantong. I did google and came across articles saying they likes sweet drinks and sweets. I always see vitagen and sweets as offering. I am not good in paypal, can you help me request a small amount of SGD28 from Paypal like last time and help me buy some sweets and vitagen for Kumantong.

I know its not a big amount and I need to trouble you but if this is really helps from Kumantong I would love to do some offering. I was brought up in a family to never take favour and if you do always find way to pay back. I can't contribute much but I guess a small gesture will be good.

Thank you
- P.Y, Malacca

Important Note from Kumantong 4D Master: 4D Numbers given is valid for 3 tries (3 draws). No confirm sure win. If really strike, usually is on top 3 prize, can be direct strike or mbox / ibox strike. The goal is hope it comes out direct top 3 prize on 1st try.

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