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Token of appreciation of SGD$500 - The Talismans work!

"Hi Sifu, Just sent you a token of appreciation of SGD$500 because my stock portfolio is doing quite well this year, especially after I got the various talismans from you. Thanks again and have a good day." -  Joe Chang, Malaysia

The lists of Taoist Talismans that Client Joe ordered:
1) Protection All In One (36 Spiritual Warriors) Talisman
2) Gods Of Wealth Talisman
3) Supreme Sex God (5 In 1) Talisman
4) 'Noblemen of 5 Directions come desperately Helping' Talisman
5) Ultimate Salesman Talisman 

Side Note by Taoist Sorcery Master (

You will never find get any Taoist Sorcery Talismans from any popular public taoist temples, even if You're prepared to pay money to buy them. The only way You can find many variety (few hundreds to few thousands types) of genuine, powerful Taoist Talismans for different purposes is to consult a Taoist Master / Taoist Sorcerer.

Popular Public Chinese Temples are those type of temples that You just pay money to buy a bundle of candles, joss sticks and joss papers, or the temple provides 'free' incense sticks for You to pray. They don't provide Tang-Ki Worship (Taoist Spirit Mediums Consultation) and no Taoist Priests / Masters / Sorcerers to do prayer for You. You just go in and pray yourself , then do donation, and get lost.

Popular Public Chinese Temples may provide "FREE" mass-printed-version of just 1 type of talisman - 'Safety / Protection' Talisman (平安符) that have never gone through consecrating / empowering / activating ritual. You can't find any other variety of Taoist Sorcery Talismans either, be it genuine or fake.

Even though folks are not aware that they are keeping a Fake Talisman, at least they feel peaceful while carrying a fake one.

Not everyone has the opportunity to receive genuine, powerful Taoist Talismans. If they do, they realise the talismans to be created and empowered for them by me (Taoist Sorcery Master) are extremely expensive.

However, when clients / followers willing to pay high fees for the talismans to be created and empowered for them and then send Ang Bao / Token Of Appreciation, You know the deities and ghosts invoked from the talismans have help to improve their lives tremendously.

Related Article: You can't find / get any Taoist Sorcery Talismans from any Popular Public Chinese Temples

Your Kumantong even can let me Strike Toto.. Amazing!

"Kumantong I bought from You blessed me with small toto winnings. I chouldn't believe my eyes " - Keith, SG

Note from Kumantong 4D Master (Email: :

Keith has been keeping his Tiny Oil Bottle Kumantong , which he ordered from me, for quite awhile. Since then, he has been Striking 4D quite often from the Numbers given by his Kumantong.

After trying out on seeking Toto numbers from Kumantong, he managed to strike 3 numbers, which he find it amazing , because Winning Toto is a very difficult task. I belief Kumantong will help him to continue to Win 4D & Toto  in future.

Even though Kumantongs from me are very expensive, there are folks who will insist on only getting Kumantongs (and Taoist Talismans)  that are kept and trained by me (Kumantong 4D Master).

Just bought Your Tiny Oil Bottle Kumantong and it's damn Powerful!

"Master Sly, I bought the first prediction that kumantong gave me. First prize miss by 1 number. Amazing! Just wanted to let you know. Another number he gave me strike consolation. Transferred $10 as kopi money as my appreciation. You may share my emails as testimony but please hide my email address. Thank you." - Kenneth, Singapore.

Note from Kumantong 4D Master (Email: :

Kenneth was hoping to keep a spiritual item to help him to increase his wealth. He felt that he is just a salaried worker and the only way to increase his wealth faster is through Lottery and maybe Investment. He was pondering whether to get a Kumantong, Lup Yong or a Taoist Wealth Talisman from Kumantong 4D Master.

After much discussion with him, he personally decided to go for Tiny Oil Bottle Kumantong. After he received his Tiny Oil Bottle Kumantong, he immediately prayed to it and follow the same method (taught by Kumantong 4D Master) to seek 4D Numbers from his Kumantong.

He managed to Win a Consolation Prize and also miss 1 number on 1st Prize, just on the 1st Try.

Miss by 1 number on TOP 3 Prize or hitting on Consolation or Starter, are both similar hints from Kumantong that the same numbers might hit TOP 3 Prize on next draw. Only Kumantongs owned and trained by Kumantong 4D Master (Email: can have such a feat.  - Because of this, Client Kenneth finds it too amazing.

Follower of Kumantong 4D Method Hits Ibet 2nd Prize

"Hi Master, Pls see attached. KMT had been giving numbers that missed TOP 3 by one number. Today almost exact, but got ibet I am happy also. Regards" - Keith, SG - 13 Nov 2019 (Wed).

Short Note by Kumantong 4D Master: Ever since Keith own a Kumantong Tiny Oil Version, which was spiritually boosted with Taoist Sorcery Ritual and trained by Kumantong 4D Master, he has been striking 4D quite often by himself.

On Wednesday (13 Nov 2019), he won 2nd Prize Ibet and miss 1 number on 3rd Prize, with his own number that he sought from his own Kumantong.

Extra Tips: Striking Ibet Top 3 is also hint from Kumantongs that the upcoming draws with new numbers  might come out Direct TOP 3 Prize. It is a way that Kumantongs (owned and trained by Kumantong 4D Master) inform You to take note and stay alert for winning BIG MONEY.

Come out 1st Prize...But forget to buy!

Hi Master,

Thank you for the 4D number.

Today only I check your email and see the 4D number. I was busy with my Deepavali preparation on Sat & Sun.

I totally forgot about this 4D thing. I saw this number got come out Sat draw 26/10 in 1st prize as 4871..

I feel VERY stupid 😭😭 that I did not check the email earlier and buy the number.. My luck was so near and I missed it.. 🙁

- Mahes, Singapore

Related Post: Client Dick Hit 1st Prize (Full System) on Kumantong 4D Prediction

Client Dick Hit 1st Prize (Full System) on Kumantong 4D Prediction

"I've just transferred SGD80 to your account - please check. I've strike 7418 tonight and SGD50 is offering to Kumantong. SGD30 is to request for another prediction." - Dick, Singapore, 26 Oct 2019 (Sat)

Client Dick was given 7418 by Xiao Pang (小胖) for his Kumantong 4D Prediction. At night, on his 1st try, it came out 4871 - 1st Prize. He bet 1 dollar Full System on 7418, therefore he manage to strike Full System 1st Prize - Win SGD$2000.

Video of Candies Offering to Kumantongs 
for helping to Win 1st Prize

Client had sent SGD$50 Ang Bao (Token Of Appreciation) for helping him Strike 1st Prize. Candies Offering is done on his behalf, so that in future, client will be blessed to Strike 4D again and again. This is to always remember where Your wealth come from and remember to show gratitude.

Relate Post: Come out 1st Prize...But forget to buy!

Client Azhar Hit 1st Prize Ibet On Singapore Pools 4D

Client Azhar asked Kumantong 4D Master for help to win Singapore Pool 4D. 4D Numbers - 9691 was given by Blacky Kumantong on Wednesday. On 2nd try, Saturday (19th Oct 2019), 6991 came out as 1st Prize. Client Azhar hit 1st Prize Ibet.

Take Note: 4D Numbers given by Kumantong 4D Master is valid for 3 tries ( 3 Draws).  If really strike, usually may hit TOP 3 Prize. Can be Direct Strike or Ibet Strike. The goal is hop Kumantongs give Yout hit Direct TOP 3 on 1st try. By once again.. there is no confirm sure strike. Play with care.

Update: Client Azhar sent SGD$20 as Token of Appreciation for Winning Ibet 1st Prize (Singapore Pools 4D) .

Offering of Candies are given to Kumantongs on his behalf so that in future, he will be able to Strike 4D again & again. (Chinese Sayings: When You drink water, never forget where the water comes from - 饮水思源).

Video of Candies Offering to Kumantongs
(For Winning Ibet 1st Prize)

Activating Hindu Altar with 36 Heavenly Warriors Talisman..

36 Heavenly Warriors Talisman (Protection All In One) arrived today. Took a photo. Although not a grand altar, it still looks beautiful.

Experienced sort of a strange happening but don't know if it was my imagination or not. I decided to give Bai Tea to Ganesh and Lakshmi.

In my mind I was thinking they might show me a sign through the tea. As I kept arranging the tea on my altar for the "perfect angle" I could only describe as a magnetic pull while arranging tea on goddess Lakshmi's space.

I thought, "that's strange, there's no magnets in the tea." Was Lakshmi trying to tell me that she is present? I can only wonder.

I also made me a temporary plastic cover out of zip lock bags so I can place the talisman on the wall. Then I will get a photo frame.

Update: And also had a dream today that I was in an Asian temple during the consecration ceremony. All the deities started moving like humans. Their arms, feet, etc were moving. I remember being amazed at this phenomenon in the dream.

- Christopher , California USA

Testimony to share and I hope you can share with your followers - Mr. Nguyen, California

Hello. Forgive me for bothering you today master, but I have a testimony to share and I hope you can share with your followers and on other pages too.

I was a baptised born again Christian. When I was 7, my bigoted father had introduced me to the Christian church and I was baptised into the religion. In church, my father would act a different way than he would at Home.

Because of family issues, we were living with my grandmother, who was a Pure-Land Buddhist. My father had taught me to disrespect the religion of my people and said the people sitting on the ancestors shrine were demons. For 5 years, I followed him blindly because his so called “Jesus” would make me go to heaven.

Eventually, I stumbled across your website speaking about religious Taoism and Buddhism. My curiosity grew and I had an interest to start going to temple again. The moment my father knew, everyone in his church started harrassing me. When I was a Christian, the buddhist monks had still accepted me. Why had the followers of jesus, "the ones" harrassing me?

From then onward, through the first 3 years, the gods had tested my faith, in which even my grandma, the person who had supported me since I reverted, was giving me and my mother legal troubles. In the end, the mercy of Monkey God - (大聖佛祖 - Da Sheng Fo Zu) and our Mother Goddess in Vietnam - Chúa Xứ tháng mẫu (主處聖母 - Zhu Chu Sheng Mu) were on our side and had blessed us.

Perhaps it was because of the karma we had in our past life. One article from your website has helped me realize that the religion of our ancestors are dying and we must preserve it. 無量功德!福生無量天尊。

- Mr. Nguyen, Vietnamese in California

Personal Note from Taoist Sorcery Master:

The beauty of Chinese Folk Religion (Folk Taoism) is that You can pray to all kinds of gods and ghosts of all faiths with joss sticks and no need to force other people to convert into Your faith.

Folk Taoism is an inclusive religion in that it does not reject the gods of other religions. Folk Taoists are always ready to accept the spiritual practice of other faith and include the gods, deities and saints from other religions to be worshipped together with their own Taoist Gods.

Miss 1 number is already very Scary..

Does it mean something if the numbers were just off by one? So for example you gave me 10 and the ball was 11, you gave me 68 and the ball was 67, etc - That’s a bit spooky you know? - Baily, USA

Important Note: Kumantongs trained and owned by Kumantong 4D Master (from Singapore) should be able to predict the potential winning numbers of the Lottery as far as USA, such as the Power-Balls & Mega-Millions. It is not 100% confirm sure strike. Only there is high chance to strike. Sometime it can be missed by +1 or - 1 on the numbers given. PIck 3 & Pick 4 Lottery is much easier to Strike. Folks are ecourage to order a Kumantong or a Wealth Talisman from Kumantong 4D Master, so that they can do own prayer and seek Lottery Numbers for themselves non-stop.

Your Kumantongs are really damn Power!

Hi Master,
Good day!

Just want to let you know that your kumantongs are really damn power. On 6/09, you gave me the number 6134. I spent quite a bit and I didn’t win. Since I went out of budget and a bit heart pain, I didn’t try for the 2nd and 3rd draw. But 11/09 was the third draw, and first prize came out 1634!

The numbers you gave me for 11/09 draw didn’t open for the 1st draw but I’ll continue trying. Thank you so much (:

Best Regards,

Last Week Strike.. This Week Strike again

Same combination help me strike again. Maybe top 3 coming. Same combination. Pls accept a small token of appreciation. - PK Lim, Singapore

Special Note: Follower has been keeping a Kumantong (Tiny Oil Bottle Version) , which he ordered from Kumantong 4D Master and has been Strike 4D non-stop. He paid USD$1298 to own the Kumantong.

Yes, Kumantongs by Kumantong 4D Master are very expensive. Not everyone can afford to own one. Only Kumantongs by Kumantong 4D Master can help You Win  4D non-stop.

The beauty of Kumantongs by Kumantong 4D Master is that You know what 4D Numbers to, buy when to stop buying.. and the hint from Kumantongs that it might Hit TOP 3 on next draw.

To understand more and what is Kumantong and order one from Kumantong 4D Master, Check out:

Follower Strike SGD$30 and give Ang Bao SGD$8.88

Kumantong help me Strike a Little, not much but still happy. Here is a token of Appreciation of SGD$8.88. - PK Lim, Singapore

Special Note: Follower has been keeping a Kumantong (Tiny Oil Bottle Version) , which he ordered from Kumantong 4D Master and has been Strike 4D non-stop. He paid USD$1298 to own the Kumantong.

Yes, Kumantongs by Kumantong 4D Master are very expensive. Not everyone can afford to own one. Only Kumantongs by Kumantong 4D Master can help You Win  4D non-stop.

The beauty of Kumantongs by Kumantong 4D Master is that You know what 4D Numbers to, buy when to stop buying.. and the hint from Kumantongs that it might Hit TOP 3 on next draw.

To understand more and what is Kumantong and order one from Kumantong 4D Master, Check out:

She won only SGD$50 Ibet Starter but gave Ang Bao SGD$18!

Hi Master,

I bought the number for this Saturday’s draw and I won $50. I have transferred you a small token of $18 to thank you and your kumantongs. Kindly buy some candies for your kumantongs on behalf of me.

Thank you so much! I can’t wait to collect my winnings :)

Warmest Regards,
- Sara, Singapore

Note: Generous people like her will be blessed by Kumantongs and surely will Strike 4D again & again.

Related Post: Kumantong gave 1706, came out as 6710 - Ibet Starter

The 'Noblemen Come Desperately Helping' Talisman has arrived today... I can feel the power

"The talisman ('Noblemen Come Desperately Helping' Talisman) has arrived today. It has a particular power to it. I also felt it while holding onto it... Thanks!" - Greeting, Mr. Italy , 23rd August 2019 , Friday.

Related Article: Five Directions 'Noblemen come desperately helping' Talisman (五方贵人符)

SGD$18 Ang Bao from follower for Striking his own 4D number

Hi Master,

Pls accept a small token from me. KMT has been giving hints to me and the feeling of striking just got stronger.

Pls see attached photos for your reference.

KL - 7th July 2019 (Sunday)

Note from Kumantong 4D Master: After owning a SGD$1750 Kumantong Tiny Oil Bottle, follower has been Striking 4D Non-Stop, by applying the same method taught by Kumantong 4D Master. After gotten the Kumantong and God of Wealth Talisman from Kumantong 4D Master (a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master), follower had gotten rid of his other takrut and amulets from other dealers.

Related Websites:

Old Timer Hit 4D 1st Prize again and again...

Kumantongs and Gods Of Wealth Talisman have been blessing Chamelene Chua with Lottery Luck many times, since she owned a Gods Of Wealth Talisman and pray to the Kumantongs from Kumantong 4D Master.

Dear Kumantong Master,

Good day!

Many thanks to you and your Kumantong. Your kumantong help me to strike again. I have just make a transfer of S$38/- to your account for Ang Bao for you and Offerings for kumantong. Please help me to buy Candies/Toys for offering to your Kumantong.

This is my appreciation to Kumantong Master and Kumantong for blessing me to strike my own number 1967 ibets yesterday.

Thanks also for the blessing from the Talismans.

May your kumantong continue to bless me to strike 4D 1st price direct & Singapore ToTo.

Thanks and best regards.

- 27 June 2019 (Thursday)

The "Marriage Success" Ritual results are amazing!

"Hi Taoist Sorcery Master (a.k.a Kumantong 4D Master), I have a lot of faith in your services and I know I will want to get more rituals done after this one." - John, USA - 14 Jan 2019

"Hi Taoist Sorcery Master (a.k.a Kumantong 4D Master), I have noticed a few positive changes in our interactions. They have been little things here and there, so I am keeping my fingers crossed. Also I have notice more and more subtle changes from the ritual performed. It feels like what was blocking us from being together was removed and now we have the ability to pursue our relationship more in depth. I have also found that I am less "overly concerned" about other parties interfering in our relationship and more at peace with trusting each other in the relationship. Thank You!! And I'll keep you posted." - John, USA - 21 Jan 2019

"Hi Taoist Sorcery Master (a.k.a Kumantong 4D Master), I wanted to give you a quick update. The "Marriage Success" Ritual results are amazing! My partner and I are discussing marriage! :) I am extremely excited and happy. We are much closer and have opened our hearts to each other. When I can, I would like to have a few more supporting rituals performed specifically around wealth, financial abundance, and business success for both of us. And lastly one more for vibrant health to prevent any illnesses from entering our household." - John, USA - 10 April 2019

Related Articles:

Hit with a feeling of extreme benevolence towards me..

"Wow Shifu! I literally get chills as I read this and look at the pic! It looks amazing. I’m sure your article will be of interest as so much of progress in life counts on the quality of one’s friends and mentors, as they say ‘No man is an island’. I can’t read what is on it, but I can sort of ‘feel’ it, and it feels great! Many thanks!" -  Sun-Ray, An Average American Guy (Owner Of Talisman)

Hi Shifu,

So I received the talisman ('Nobleman of 5 Directions come desperately helping' Talisman - 五方贵人符) today... and in terms of the opposing forces i mentioned? Turns out the postal people didn’t put a notification in my mailbox, but i went to the ‘international’ booth with the number you provided, and the guy there was helpful, so i got it, but man was I stressed out waiting for it to show up. Anyways, whatever tried to prevent it ultimately failed, and it’s in my wallet right now.

Upon bringing it home, as a welcome offering of sorts, I burned 3 incense sticks and three gold and red Joss papers to the dieties... I then went into another room, and a few minutes later I smelled the acrid smell of the joss papers and was at the same time hit with a feeling of extreme benevolence towards me.... might be my imagination, but it felt very much like a ‘Good Sign’.

I still have to reply at length on the two things you wrote up, but in the meantime a quick question on the Spirit Boys Element... are they like Kuman Thongs? And in terms of Joss papers and incense, should I light Silver ones for them?

Anyways, thanks very much, very happy to have it, and will message on the 2 articles and will keep you updated on this talisman.

- Sun-Ray
-An Average American Guy (Owner Of Talisman)

Taoist Sorcery Master replied to his Question: The spiritual boys are heavenly helpers, So no need to specially burn Joss Papers to them. They shall receive their tips from the heavenly deities.

Related Aricle: 'Nobleman of 5 Directions come desperately helping' Talisman - 五方贵人符

Kumantong 4D Power Testimonials

Kumantong 4D Power Testimonials

I trust that you are doing your best to help me - J.S , Malaysia

Malaysia Client J.S Strike Ibet 2nd Prize on Singapore Pools 4D - Win RM870

Client D.Neo Hit Ibet 1st Prize & Gave Ang Bao - SGD$88

Deities and Ghosts help to transfer Assets... with 'Assets Transfer' Ritual

The (Fox Spirit Series) Supreme Sex God (5 in 1) Talisman has a positive influence on me..

Malaysia Client J.S Strike Sports Toto Iperm 1st Prize - Win RM2505!

Malaysia Client J.S Win Abit Only - But Still Very Happy

I'm extremely lucky to be fated to come to your Kumantong 4D Websites

Malaysia Client J.S Hit Sports Toto Direct & Iperm Consolation - Win RM$1530

Malaysia Client J.S Strike Sports Toto 4D 3rd Prize Iperm - Win Only RM315

Client V. Tan Strike Direct Starter with Gods Of Wealth Talisman - Sent Ang Bao SGD$38

Client Z.B Hit Ibet Starter - Gave Ang Bao SGD$30

My dog's health has slowly improved after You did a Ritual...

Miss 1 Number but Client Z.B Still Strike Direct 2nd Prize - Ang Bao SGD$100

Your Kumantong 4D Prediction Method helped me Strike Lottery!

Client Strike 4 out of 7 Numbers from Kumantong Toto Prediction - Win SGD$190

Client Z.B bought the numbers wrongly as 7931 and won Ibet Consolation instead and gave me Ang Bao - SGD$40!

Malaysian Chinese Guy prayed to the Picture of 3 Kumantongs and Strike Toto 4D Ibox 1st Prize

Client Win Ibet Consolation and Sent SGD$20 Ang Bao and a Lesson to Learn

Malaysian Client Strike Magnum 4D Mbox 3rd Prize - Win RM1,512 - Gave Ang Bao - SGD$100

Client Ardi from Australia has been blessed by his 'Supreme Master Investor' 7 in 1 Talisman & 'Gods Of Wealth Of All directions' Talisman

Client Z.B miss her Ibet 1st Prize but still send Ang Bao - SGD$30 !

Client Cham Hit Direct Starter On Singapore Pools 4D - Win SGD$250 But Gave Ang Bao - SGD$88! Very Generous Indeed!

Client W.L pray and seek 4D Numbers from Gods Of Wealth Talisman and Strike Ibet 2nd Prize

Client Z.B Hit Direct 1st Prize - Won SGD$11,000 - Gave SGD$1000 Ang Bao