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Client Hit Direct Starter on 2nd Day of CNY 2020

"Hello Master, happy new year. I just transferred $28 ang pow to you. Strike direct starter 0181 on 初二 (e-ticket attached)." - Kenneth, SG

and also - "By the way, another number given by kumantong on 初一 missed 1 number on ibet 3rd prize. I buy the same number again for 初二, missed 1 number again on ibet 1st prize."


Side Note by Kumantong 4D Master (Email: :

Notice client only bet SGD$1 dollar on Direct Big. Client is encouraged to bet more money, at least 2 dollar and above, if he can afford.. Example, 2 big 2 small.. Imagine 2 dollar direct starter.. He would had Won 500 dollars already.

The only reason for other people to buy very little money on 4D is because they are playing blindly. Now with spiritual help, chances to strike increase to 80%. So now you understand.

Many people are "SUAY" (unlucky) because they don't believe in spiritual beings, let alone knowing the method to seek help from them.

Furthermore, during Chinese New Year period (and also Chinese Hungry Ghosts Period), the ghosts and gods are very eager to help You Strike The Lottery, as long as You ask them for numbers.

Important: You must know the Taoist Sorcery Ritual to open a communication channel, so that You can call upon the gods or ghosts, in order to seek help from them. Example: Own a Taoist Talisman or Kumantong from Kumantong 4D Master (a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master)  - Email:

Related Articles:

1) After owning a Tiny Oil Bottle Verion Kumantong (from me), Client Keneth miss 1 number on 1st Prize and hit Direct Consolation Prize - Just bought Your Tiny Oil Bottle Kumantong and it's damn Powerful!

2) Client Kenneth had also Strike a Direct Starter previously - "I Strike Direct Starter (SG Pools 4D) !" - Kenneth

It has given me quiet confidence and eloquence ..

"I bought your Academic Excellence Talisman last year and would like to thank you for it has given me quiet confidence and eloquence when I speak. I might still feel nervous at times, but I regain my composure quicker and have little problems getting my ideas across." - Alan, SG

This talisman helps a student to focus 100% on his studies. With 100% concentration, the student will able to memorize and remember everything on what he /she has studied. This way, this student definitely will gonna score well for his / her exams with flying colours.

Young Students, as well as, working adults who are still pursuing higher education and sometime need a boost of confidence during exams, will benefit a lot by owning and keeping the Academic Excellence Talisman.

Folks who order Academic Excellence Talisman are often time the working adults, who are already professionals in their carreer.

For full write-up about this talisman, go here: Academic Excellence Talisman

Client Alan also recently just  ordered, check it out: Five Directions 'Noblemen come desperately helping' Talisman (五方贵人符)

Won SGD$830 on Ibet 1st Prize and Ang Bao SGD$88 for You

"Hi Sir, I would like to thank you and Kumantong with the predictions number letting me strike yesterday 4D 1st Prize although just ibet but I am very happy too. (Attached Screenshot for your testimonial) I have transferred $88 for thanking you and Kumantong. Also I made another $30 for a new draw of number as I not sure if the number has strike can I still continue buy for the next 2 draws? Thank you very much!" -Regards, Paul Kee (SG).

Client has won SGD$830 on Ibet 1st Prize. He sent Ang Bao SGD$88 as token of Appreciation and Prayer Offering to thank the Kumantongs. I (Kumantong 4D master - Email: don't demand for Ang Bao. Ang Bao is from the good heart of the clients.

Kumantong 4D Prediction Tips by Kumantong 4D Master to Client Paul Kee:

Just a suggestion for buying Kumantong 4D Numbers. Usually if really strike... often time, it is on TOP 3 Prize.. so for me, I often buy more on "Small" and cover backside a bit on "Big" just in case Kumantongs want to play my backside to win on Starter or Consol.. or give initial hint that big direct winning is coming.

This is only true if numbers are given by my kumantongs or Talismans, because if really strike, usually will hit on Top 3 Prize. For other ppl who play blindly, without support from gods or ghosts, they don't stand any chance of winning.

Take note that "small" can claim bigger pay out if hit top 3, no money win on starter or consol strike.

Related Posts: Blacky Kumantong gave 4D Numbers - Hit Ibet 1st Prize - Win SGD$748

"I Strike Direct Starter (SG Pools 4D) !" - Kenneth

"My KMT give me strike starter. Please accept $20 as my appreciation. May your other KMT bless me also" - Kenneth, SG

Side Note By Kumantong 4D Master ( Kenneth recently invested in a Tiny Oil Bottle Version Kumantong from me. Not long ago, he had just hit a Consolation Prize and miss 1 number on 1st Prize. This time, he hit Direct Starter Prize. He sent me SGD$20 as Token Of Appreciation.

Kenneth received my advice to take note of the 4D Numbers given during near Chinese New Year Period because Kumantongs very often like to give Direct TOP 3 Strike during Chinese New Year.

Important Notice: All the Kumantongs by Kumantong 4D Master are owned, spiritually boosted with Taoist Sorcery and trained personally in 4D by me, therefore once You keep and pray to it, You are likely to continously Strike 4D non-stop, like my other clients / followers.

Related Post: Just bought Your Tiny Oil Bottle Kumantong and it's damn Powerful!

Kumantong 4D Power Testimonials

Kumantong 4D Power Testimonials

I trust that you are doing your best to help me - J.S , Malaysia

Malaysia Client J.S Strike Ibet 2nd Prize on Singapore Pools 4D - Win RM870

Client D.Neo Hit Ibet 1st Prize & Gave Ang Bao - SGD$88

Deities and Ghosts help to transfer Assets... with 'Assets Transfer' Ritual

The (Fox Spirit Series) Supreme Sex God (5 in 1) Talisman has a positive influence on me..

Malaysia Client J.S Strike Sports Toto Iperm 1st Prize - Win RM2505!

Malaysia Client J.S Win Abit Only - But Still Very Happy

I'm extremely lucky to be fated to come to your Kumantong 4D Websites

Malaysia Client J.S Hit Sports Toto Direct & Iperm Consolation - Win RM$1530

Malaysia Client J.S Strike Sports Toto 4D 3rd Prize Iperm - Win Only RM315

Client V. Tan Strike Direct Starter with Gods Of Wealth Talisman - Sent Ang Bao SGD$38

Client Z.B Hit Ibet Starter - Gave Ang Bao SGD$30

My dog's health has slowly improved after You did a Ritual...

Miss 1 Number but Client Z.B Still Strike Direct 2nd Prize - Ang Bao SGD$100

Your Kumantong 4D Prediction Method helped me Strike Lottery!

Client Strike 4 out of 7 Numbers from Kumantong Toto Prediction - Win SGD$190

Client Z.B bought the numbers wrongly as 7931 and won Ibet Consolation instead and gave me Ang Bao - SGD$40!

Malaysian Chinese Guy prayed to the Picture of 3 Kumantongs and Strike Toto 4D Ibox 1st Prize

Client Win Ibet Consolation and Sent SGD$20 Ang Bao and a Lesson to Learn

Malaysian Client Strike Magnum 4D Mbox 3rd Prize - Win RM1,512 - Gave Ang Bao - SGD$100

Client Ardi from Australia has been blessed by his 'Supreme Master Investor' 7 in 1 Talisman & 'Gods Of Wealth Of All directions' Talisman

Client Z.B miss her Ibet 1st Prize but still send Ang Bao - SGD$30 !

Client Cham Hit Direct Starter On Singapore Pools 4D - Win SGD$250 But Gave Ang Bao - SGD$88! Very Generous Indeed!

Client W.L pray and seek 4D Numbers from Gods Of Wealth Talisman and Strike Ibet 2nd Prize

Client Z.B Hit Direct 1st Prize - Won SGD$11,000 - Gave SGD$1000 Ang Bao