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Client Hit Direct Starter on 2nd Day of CNY 2020

"Hello Master, happy new year. I just transferred $28 ang pow to you. Strike direct starter 0181 on 初二 (e-ticket attached)." - Kenneth, SG

and also - "By the way, another number given by kumantong on 初一 missed 1 number on ibet 3rd prize. I buy the same number again for 初二, missed 1 number again on ibet 1st prize."


Side Note by Kumantong 4D Master (Email: :

Notice client only bet SGD$1 dollar on Direct Big. Client is encouraged to bet more money, at least 2 dollar and above, if he can afford.. Example, 2 big 2 small.. Imagine 2 dollar direct starter.. He would had Won 500 dollars already.

The only reason for other people to buy very little money on 4D is because they are playing blindly. Now with spiritual help, chances to strike increase to 80%. So now you understand.

Many people are "SUAY" (unlucky) because they don't believe in spiritual beings, let alone knowing the method to seek help from them.

Furthermore, during Chinese New Year period (and also Chinese Hungry Ghosts Period), the ghosts and gods are very eager to help You Strike The Lottery, as long as You ask them for numbers.

Important: You must know the Taoist Sorcery Ritual to open a communication channel, so that You can call upon the gods or ghosts, in order to seek help from them. Example: Own a Taoist Talisman or Kumantong from Kumantong 4D Master (a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master)  - Email:

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2) Client Kenneth had also Strike a Direct Starter previously - "I Strike Direct Starter (SG Pools 4D) !" - Kenneth

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