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Malaysia Client J.S Strike Sports Toto 4D 3rd Prize Iperm - Win Only RM315

"Dear Master Sylvester, 

    I struck 4D in Sports Toto I Permutation!!!!! Third prize!!!!! All glory to the kumantongs for helping out!!!!

     Not a very huge windfall but I am very grateful. I WON RM315.00!!!! I will give 10% of my winnings to your kumantongs as what I have promised which is RM31.50 and Master, your ang pow of RM8.50. Master, please tell them to bless me more by winning direct and they will have more and you will have a fatter ang pow!!!! All thanksgiving to kumantongs especially both hands rising!!! Thanks!!! 

    Send me a link of RM40.00 as thanksgiving to them and ang pow to you. 

 I realised that the number strike last night is the inverse of 2697: 7962 walking backwards!!!!! So peculiar, so strange!!! Yet interesting!" 

--- Malaysia Client J.S - 15 March 2023, Wednesday


Short Note from Kumantong 4D Master (a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master) : 

Client J.S's Winning didn't come easy. He managed to win 4D only after betting on the 3rd new set of numbers. He didm't get to strike any prize for his previous 2 sets of  Kumantong 4D Prediction. I believe Kumantongs were testing his trust and faith before letting him win.

Some clients strike 4D immediately, some clients strike later and some clients never get to strike (and given up too early). 

Usually, after the 1st Winning from the 4D numbers  given by Kumantongs,  the future winnings will be much easier. Because You have shown Your faith and trust in them (Kumantongs) and won't grumble and fuming with anger if haven't strike. 

Kumantongs are expecting You to be calm and cool when You not yet strike any prize. Once You are able to achieve that , You will be showered with lots of 4D Winnings non-stop. It is one way how Kumantongs are caltivating Your heart, mind and soul to be peaceful, regardless of the outcome.

"Thank you so much for  all your rituals and prayers!!!!! I’m very grateful to them and also to you! The first achievement is the hardest; after that, with the help of the divine beings, nothing is impossible!!! You can advertise this piece of good news!!!! But just don't reveal my name. Just say a client in Peninsular Malaysia would do."  --- Malaysia Client J.S - 15 March 2023, Wednesday

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