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Client Z.B Hit Direct Horse Shit on his own - Give Ang Bao - SGD$200!!

 Client Z.B Hit Direct Horse Shit on his own - Give Ang Bao - SGD$200!!

"Hi Master, I just sent you $200 ang pow to say thank you. I bought both 2729 and 9729, taking guidance from the number your Kumantong gave. 9729 came out direct consolation today! Can help to ask your Kumantong for lucky number for the next draws pls. I have transferred the prayer money as well. Thank you so much to you and your Kumantong! " - Client Z.B

Related Post: Miss 1 Number but Received Ang Bao - SGD$200!!

Miss 1 Number but Received Ang Bao - SGD$200!!

Client Z.B was given 2729 for Kumantong 4D Prediction. Singapore Pools 4D came out 4729 as 3rd Prize. She bought his personal number - 4729 and won Direct 3rd Prize. She sent SGD$200 as Ang Bao as a Token of Appreciation. 

"Hi Master, I sent $200 ang pow, just a small token. As yesterday, in addition to the number your Kumantong gave, i also played 4729. So strike some, and feeling grateful. Hope when i get more, can give bigger as a thank you. " - Client Z.B

Malaysia Client Hit Mbox 2nd Prize On MAGNUM 4D - Blessed By Her "GODS OF WEALTH OF ALL DIRECTION" TALISMAN

"Hi Master, I would like to send token of appreciation to kumanthong and my talisman deities rm50. Please send the request. The number given strike 2nd prize." - Malaysia Client S.S.T 

After keeping, praying and following the same method taught to her to seek 4D Numbers from the 'Gods Of Wealth Talisman Of All Direction' Talisman, Malaysia Client S.S.T has been Striking 4D by herself ever since.

This time round, She hit Mbox 2nd Prize On Magnum 4D - Win  RM$378. She gave me (Taoist Sorcery Master a.k.a Kumantong 4D Master) Ang Bao - RM$50.  Kind Hearted Folks like her will always be blessed by the spirit entities to Keep On Winning 4D / Toto Lottories.

Take Note: 4D Winning Ticket is Real, Not Photoshopped.

Related Taoist Talisman: 'Gods Of Wealth Talisman Of All Direction' Talisman

Client D.Koh Strike 4D Again! - 2nd Prize - Win SGD$1000

One Week ago -  Sunday - 28 Nov 2021, Client D.Koh had Hit System 1st Prize - Client D.Koh Won 1st Prize - SGD$2000 .  Tonight Sunday - 5th Dec 2021, he Hit System 2nd Prize.

Client D.Koh paid the fee to seek my help for Kumantong 4D Prediction
On Saturday (4th Dec 2021), Oil Bottle Kumantong gave Singapore Pools 4D Prediction as 8011. 

On Sunday Night (5th Dec 2021) - 2nd Try, 2nd Prize came out as 1018. Client D.Koh bought  Full-System and Strike $1000.

He sent me (Kumantong 4D Master) Ang Bao - SGD$200.

I, myself also Strike abit - Ibet 2nd Prize - Won$166

In fact, Client D.Koh was the one who paid his fee for me to Seek 4D Numbers from my Kumantongs for him.  Numbers given by my Kumantongs  will either Miss 1 number on TOP 3 , or Strike Ibet or Direct on TOP 3, therefore I merely also  follow to bet onto the numbers given as well. 

Some folks like to ask - "If so good, why the "4D Masters" never buy on the numbers for themselves." - Now, You know, what numbers given to Clients, I (Kumantong 4D Master) also buy - Because I know high chance will come out. Not like those Fake 4D Gurus  who use Photo Editing Software (Photoshopped) to edit Fake 'Winning' 4D Tickets to trick You into believing in them, can never be as close to my level of 4D  Prediction.

*WIN 4D Is very Straight Forward - Just light up Incense Cone / Joss Stick, Pray to the Kumantong / Wealth Talisman , Shake a Cup of Numbers, Then Either You Strike TOP 3 , or Miss 1 number on TOP 3*

Learn how to Win 4D TOP 3 Prize easily by Yourself,  by following the Links Below:

Related Talismans & Kumantongs:

Client D.Koh Won 1st Prize - SGD$2000 on the 2nd Try

 On Saturday - 27 Nov 2021, Oil Bottle Kumantong gave 3474 for Singapore Pools 4D Prediction. On Saturday Night, it came out 4740 - 3rd Prize. Miss by 1 number. 

On Sunday Night - 28 Nov 2021, the 2nd Try, Singapore Pools 4D came out 4473 - 1st Prize. Client D.Koh bought System SGD$1 on 3474 and Won SGD$2000. He sent me SGD$200 as Ang Bao / Token Of Appreciation.  

I (Kumantong 4D Master) also Hit Ibet 1st Prize. - Won SGD$832.

*WIN 4D Is very Straight Forward - Just light up Incense Cone / Joss Stick, Pray to the Kumantong / Wealth Talisman , Shake a Cup of Numbers, Then Either You Strike TOP 3 , or Miss 1 number on TOP 3*

Learn how to Win 4D TOP 3 Prize easily by Yourself,  by following the Links Below:

Related Talismans & Kumantongs:

Client Cham Strikes 4D again - Direct 1st Prize - Won SGD$5000

Client Cham just Strike Ibet 2nd Prize - Won SGD$620 on Wednesday and then 3 days later - Saturday - Strike Direct 1st Prize - Won SGD$5000! With the Blessings of Gods Of Wealth Talisman & Kumantongs!

"Dear Kumantong Master,

Good day!
Many thanks to you and your Kumantong. Your kumantong help me to strike my own 4D number. I have just make a transfer of S$388/- to your account for Ang Bao for you and Offerings for your kumantong. Please help me to buy Candies/Toys for offering to your Kumantong.
This is my appreciation to Kumantong Master and your Kumantong  for blessing me to strike my own number 1767 again on Saturday."
- Client Cham, Singapore - 15 August 2021

I also dare to show myself Miss 1 number on TOP 3 Prize, so that when I myself personally Strike 4D and show off my own genuine validated 4D Winning Tickets, then You will know it is real.

I'm NOT like other FAKE "4D Masters" who never buy 4D before and never Strike 4D before but only know how to "photoshop" 4D Tickets , which make them "Strike" on every draws, into making You think that they are the "Real Deal", so as to entice You into sending them money for requesting their "Confirm Sure Strike Numbers". After You send them money, they disappear.

Related Post:  How Client Cham was able to Win (Singapore Pools) 4D 18 times - A Case Study to learn so You can Strike 4D For Yourself (After Winning Ibet 2nd Prize and Direct 1st Prize, is counted as 20 times).

Related Talisman: Gods Of Wealth Talisman

Client Cham Strikes 4D again - Ibet 2nd Prize - SGD$620

Client Cham Strike Ibet 2nd Prize - Won SGD$620..  With the Blessings of Gods Of Wealth Talisman & Kumantongs!

"Dear Kumantong Master,
Good day!
Many thanks to you and your Kumantong. Your kumantong help me to strike my own 4D number. I have just make a transfer of S$38/- to your account for Ang Bao for you and Offerings for your kumantong. Please help me to buy Candies/Toys for offering to your Kumantong.
This is my appreciation to Kumantong Master and your Kumantong  for blessing me to strike my own number 1967 ibet on Wednesday.

Sorry can't attach ticket as my phone having problems.
May my Talismans and your kumantong continue to bless me to strike 4D again and Toto.
Thanks and best regards. " - Client Cham, Singapore, 12 August 2021 - Thursday

Short note from Kumantong 4D Master: I was waiting for Client Cham to send over her Validated Winning Ticket, before posting up to Show Off. I only SHOW OFF Real, Genuine Validated 4D Winning Tickets. 

I also dare to show myself Miss 1 number on TOP 3 Prize, so that when I myself personally Strike 4D and show off my own genuine validated 4D Winning Tickets, then You will know it is real.

I'm NOT like other FAKE "4D Masters" who never buy 4D before and never Strike 4D before but only know how to "photoshop" 4D Tickets , which make them "Strike" on every draws, into making You think that they are the "Real Deal", so as to entice You into sending them money for requesting their "Confirm Sure Strike Numbers". After You send them money, they disappear.

Related Post:  How Client Cham was able to Win (Singapore Pools) 4D 18 times - A Case Study to learn so You can Strike 4D For Yourself (After Winning this Ibet 2nd Prize, is counted as 19 times).

Related Talisman: Gods Of Wealth Talisman 

Related Websites: Kumantongs For You Kumantong 4D Master 

Client Cham Hit Direct 2nd Prize On Singapore Pools 4D! - Won SGD$2000!

Client Cham Hit Direct 2nd Prize! - Won SGD$2000! She sent me (Kumantong 4D Master - a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master ) an Ang Bao of SGD$138 . Kumantongs have been blessing her to Strike Direct TOP 3 Prize again & again...

Take Note: Winning Ticket Shown is Real, Not Photoshopped!

Client Cham - "Dear Kumantong Master,
Good day!
Many thanks to you and your Kumantong. Your kumantong help me to strike my own 4D number. I have just make a transfer of S$138/- to your account for Ang Bao for you and Offerings for your kumantong. Please help me to buy Candies/Toys for offering to your Kumantong.
This is my appreciation to Kumantong Master and your Kumantong for blessing me to strike my own number 1767 on Sunday.

Attached is the ticket. Kindly please omit my name from your testimonials.
May my Talismans and your kumantong continue to bless me to strike 4D again and Toto.
Thanks and best regards."

The lists of Previous (Singapore Pools) 4D Winnings by Client Cham (Owner of a Kumantong by Kumantong 4D Master & Gods Of Wealth Of All Direction Talisman):

*To learn how to Strike 4D By Yourself with the Help Of Kumantongs , go here: Kumantong 4D Master

*To Learn more about Kumantongs, go here: Kumantong 4 You

*To Learn more about Gods Of Wealth Talisman, go here: "Gods Of Wealth Of All Direction" Talisman

*To ask for Kumantong 4D Prediction Number (Take Note: There is a Fee Charge), or to order a Kumantong or Talisman, Kindly email me (Kumantong 4D Master - a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master):

Yet another 'Supreme Master Investor' 7 In 1 Talisman is created and spiritually empowered for another client

        Client A.W from Australia, whose career is in IT Industry, has previously owned a 'Gods Of Wealth Of All Direction' Talisman, and is now wanting to upgrade to an Investment related talisman. 

        He had read about the positive feedbacks / testimonials from other clients who owned the 'Supreme Master Investor' 7 in 1 Talisman and end up ordering one for himself. 'Supreme Master Investor' 7 in 1 Talisman works hand-in-hand and complement with 'Gods Of Wealth Of All Direction' Talisman.

A 'Supreme Master Investor' 7 in 1 Talisman has been done and spiritual empowered for him to keep. 

     'Supreme Master Investor' 7 in 1 Talisman taps it's magical power from several heavenly spiritual entities and stars, such as  5 Direction Gods Of Wealth (五路财神), Fu De Zhen Shen (福德正神)- an Earth Level 'Wealth Bringing' Deity,  Qi Lin (麒麟)  of  Confucius,'5 Direction Noblemen' (五方贵人),  Bei-Dou (北斗) - The North Dipper (7 Stars) and the 3 Lords of San Qi Stars (三奇星君) .

        By keeping this talisman close to him, client will be blessed and guided  by the heavenly spiritual entities and the lucky stars to  bring in tremendous wealth through Stock Market Investment and even Cryptocurrencies. 

        Due to the involvement of Heavenly Wealth Deities, this talisman will again bless client with other types of wealth, such as Property Investments, Lottery Lucks (Can Seek Pick 4 / Lotto / BIngo Numbers) and Financial Windfalls out of nowhere.

Take note: The Supreme Master Investor' 7 in 1 Talisman is one of the special request talisman and is very expensive talisman (to some people). Usually clients who request for this talisman are already professionals in their fields of work or business owners). If You are starting out to own a talisman for wealth-bringing purpose, it is better to start with 'Gods Of Wealth Of All Direction' Talisman.

Related Articles:

Unique Taoist Altar Setup By An American Follower

 A very Unique Taoist Altar Set-Up By an American Follower, with his '36 Heavenly Warriors' (a.k.a Protection All In One) Talisman.  Notice how he placed  one Joss Stick on Left & Right Side of the Altar, instead of using candles or lamps. (There is no specific way to set-up Your altar and pray to the Taoist Talisman. Anyway that suits Your own liking and feel comfortable with it, is Ok).

By Praying to it,  the Heavenly Warriors will come and shower You with Taoist Wisdoms and gives You Spiritual Protection.

David, from Oregon, Ohio, USA ordered his  '36 Heavenly Warriors' (a.k.a Protection All In One) Talisman on November 2020 and have been praying to it faithfully since then. He is now occasionally receiving Taoist Spiritual Wisdom from the Heavenly Deities, while meditating to it and at all time being protected from the evil spirits sent from other black magic masters of other paths he used to engage last time.

Related Website: Talisman 4 You

Related Talisman: '36 Heavenly Warriors' (a.k.a Protection All In One) Talisman

To Strike TOTO - Just Pray and Press a Button

Client sent a Picture of her using a Battery Operated Bingo Toy Set , together with her Gods Of Wealth Of All Direction Talisman.

Client was asking, other than using a 'Shake Cup' (Of Numbers) to seek Potential 4D Winning Numbers from the Talisman, whether there is a method to seek Toto Numbers.

She was told to use a 'Battery Operated Bingo Toy Set' together with the Talisman.  All she needs to do is to:

Take Note: If Gods Of Wealth Talisman and Kumantongs can give You Strike 4D, they can also let You Strike TOTO.
  • To Strike 4D - Pray to the Talisman and Shake A Cup (Of Numbers 0 to 9)
  • To Strike Toto - Pray to the Talisman and Press A Button (On The Bingo Toy Set)
See how other Clients / Followers Strike 4D & Toto here: Kumantong 4D Power Testimonials

After giving CNY Ang Bao, She Strikes 4D Direct Starter

*After She gave CNY Ang Bao of SGD$38 as Token Of Appreciation, she WON 4D Direct Starter - SGD$250 and sent me (Kumantong 4D Master) another SGD$38 Ang Bao*

"Many thanks to you and your Kumantong. I have just make a transfer of S$38/- to your account for CNY Ang Bao for you and Offerings for kumantong. Please help me to buy Candies/Toys for offering to your Kumantong.

This is my appreciation to Kumantong Master and your Kumantong  for blessing me.

Thanks also for the blessing from the Talismans.

May your kumantong continue to bless me to strike 4D 1st price direct & Singapore ToTo. Hope coming soon.  

Thanks and best regards." 
- Client Cham, Singapore - 25 Feb 2021 


"Dear Kumantong Master,
Good day!
Many thanks to you and your Kumantong. Your kumantong help me to strike my own 4D number. I have just make a transfer of S$38/- to your account for Ang Bao for you and Offerings for your kumantong. Please help me to buy Candies/Toys for offering to your Kumantong.
This is my appreciation to Kumantong Master and Kumantong  for blessing me to strike my own number 3123 on Sunday.
May the Talismans and your kumantong continue to bless me to strike 4D and Toto.
Thanks and best regards." 

- Client Cham, Singapore - 2nd March 2021 

SGD$1000 Ang Bao From Malaysia Client

 Hi Sifu,

Hope you are doing well in the new year.

My investments have been doing very well last year (although it started badly when the Covid pandemic arrived) and it seems to be going strong at the start of this year too.

So I have sent you a SG1000 Ang Bao as a token of my gratitude. Your wealth talismans have been very very good to me.

Have a good day.

Chang J.H  (from Malaysia).

Related Talisman: 'The Supreme Master Investor' 7 in 1 Talisman

He won only SGD$85 on TOTO and gave Ang Bao - SGD$18

 "Hi Sir. I managed to strike Toto 4 and a half numbers for the last draw. Thanks to Your Talisman. I win SGD$85. I want to Thank You very much. May I know what's Your account number? I would like to give You a Small Ang Bao as a Token of Appreciation"  - Dennis, Singapore.

Short Note from Taoist Sorcery Master (a.k.a Kumantong 4D Master): I've received SGD$18 Ang Bao from Dennis, even though he only Win SGD$85. A generous person will be continously blessed by the Wealth Deities  to keep on Striking The Lottery.

Talisman that Client Dennis Use to seek Toto Numbers: 'Gods Of Wealth of All Direction' Talisman

After getting the Wealth Talisman , our life is good financially..

"Hi... I bought the Wealth Talisman from You last year and so far our life is good financially. Thank You.  I've been trying to do a Shake Up numbers  for Lotto Max but no luck yet. LOL! Not sure if I'm doing it wrong." - Procy I.B, Canada.

Short Note by Taoist Sorcery Master (a.k.a Kumantong 4D Master): Client has been recommended to use a Battery- Operated 'Bingo Machine' together with the Gods Of Wealth Talisman, instead of using a "Shake Cup" Method for her LOTTO / BINGO type of Lottery.

Client M.K Hit Ibet Consol & Ibet Starter Within 1 Week..

Kumantong 4D Tips: Hitting Consolation or Starter is hint from Kumantongs that TOP 3 Prize is coming.

"I had a small strike of $30 today on the number you gave me, 8902. Came out 2809 today as a Consolation. Lucky I bought $10 iBet also.  For your kind assistance with your prediction, I have transferred $10 angbao to your account." Client M.K on Winning Ibet  Consolation.

"I strike today iBet $10 on 9753, very happy to strike $100. As a token of my appreciation, I have already transferred $20 angbao to you, please see screenshot below. I will send you a pic tomorrow morning after I collect my winnings.  Will continue to buy for Wednesday draw, hoping for Top 3 hit this time." - Client M.K on Winning Ibet Starter. 

Important Notice: 

Small Winnings are nothing to boast about.. but without showing off the small winnings, You won't know that Small Winnings (Ibet Consol / Starter) are actually hints from my Kumantongs that TOP 3 Prize is coming Your way. 

My Kumantongs have the tendency to let me and clients strike small prize to make other people laugh at us, then later let us Strike Direct TOP 3 to burst people's balls.

Only my Kumantongs have the ability to give hints that TOP 3 Prize is coming Your way. 

The Bagua Jade has been a huge blessing in my life...

"The Bagua Jade has been a huge blessing in my life. Thank you very much. I have been thinking about what spiritual items I should get next. I will write you soon. Again, thank you so much. I appreciate you and your work." - Jonathan D., Las Vegas, USA 

Super Kumantong: Hello Jonathan, I received SGD$127 from You through Paypal. Is it Token Of Appreciation? If it is, Thank You very much.

Jonathan D.: Yes. Token of appreciation. Thank you. I hope you are doing well.

Super Kumantong: Thank you very much. I am doing great. Hope you are doing well too.

Jonathan D.: Yes.  I am doing great as well, making progress on my path.  The Bagua Jade has been a huge blessing in my life.  Thank you very much. I have been thinking about what spiritual items I should get next.  I will write you soon. Again, thank you so much.  I appreciate you and your work.

Related Post: 

Video of spiritual empowering process of the Taoist Bagua Jade

A Generous Client Won RM$294 But Gave Ang Bao - SGD$10 (MYR$30.47)!!

Malaysia Client  E.H who worked in Singapore had returned back to Malaysia. She asked for a Set of Kumantong 4D Prediction for Magnum 4D and paid the fee charged in Singapore Dollars.

On the 2nd try, her Kumantong 4D Number - 7982 came out   as 9728 - Mbox Consolation Prize. She bought 'Private' and won MYR$294. She gave SGD$10 (MYR30.47) as Token Of Appreciation (ANG BAO).  Client E.H is a generous person indeed.

Short Note from Kumantong 4D Master (a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master):

  • The fee for Kumantong 4D Prediction for Singapore 4D or Malaysia 4D (Magnum 4D / Toto 4D) are charged in Singapore Dollars. Kumantong Lottery Prediction for Western Countries' Lotteries will be charged in US Dollars.
  • My Kumantongs are located in Singapore but they are able to predict 4D / Lotteries Numbers around the world. 
  • Kumantong 4D Numbers given by my Kumantongs, if hit Starter or Consolation Prize , or miss 1 number on TOP 3 Prizes, are hints from my Kumantongs that the same numbers may hit TOP 3 Prize on next Draw.

Client Hit Ibet Starter - Win SGD$100 But Gives Ang Bao SGD20!


"I would like to continue my attempt to strike a decent prize with your predictions.

I managed to finally strike a small amount of $100 on Starter on Wednesday, 6th January 2021, as I bought iBet $10 on 3017, which is the number you gave to me after praying.

I have just transferred $50 to your account (see screenshot below), which comprises $30 for these next 3 draws predictions request, plus an additional $20 as my angbao for striking. Hope to give you bigger angbao soon if I do manage to strike a bigger prize. Please help to give some offerings to your Kumantong.  

I have great faith and am confident that my time in striking a big prize is coming soon, I know I am being tested on my patience.

I look forward to receiving your predictions after your kind prayers.

Thanks you very much."
- Kind Regards 


"You are right, it was very close as 3rd Prize yesterday was 2317 (should have been 0317), and 1st Prize on Saturday was 0873, again miss the number 8, which should have been a 1 instead.

The deities and Kumantongs are testing my faith and patience, and I will be patient. Let’s see what happens next 3 draws."
- Best Regards 


Short Note from Kumantong 4D Master (a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master):

Client M.K was given 3017 by Kumantongs for his Kumantong 4D Prediction. On Saturday, it missed 1 number on 1st Prize (0873) and on Wednesday, it missed 1 number on 3rd Prize (2317) but hit Ibet Starter (7130). 

Usually miss 1 number on TOP 3 Prize or Hit Ibet Starter or Consolation, is a way that Kumantongs (trained and owned by Kumantong 4D Master) hinting You that next draw is going to HIT TOP 3 Prize with the same numbers.

To own a Kumantong, check this out:
For Kumantong 4D Prediction, check this out: or Email: 

Kumantong 4D Power Testimonials

Kumantong 4D Power Testimonials

I trust that you are doing your best to help me - J.S , Malaysia

Malaysia Client J.S Strike Ibet 2nd Prize on Singapore Pools 4D - Win RM870

Client D.Neo Hit Ibet 1st Prize & Gave Ang Bao - SGD$88

Deities and Ghosts help to transfer Assets... with 'Assets Transfer' Ritual

The (Fox Spirit Series) Supreme Sex God (5 in 1) Talisman has a positive influence on me..

Malaysia Client J.S Strike Sports Toto Iperm 1st Prize - Win RM2505!

Malaysia Client J.S Win Abit Only - But Still Very Happy

I'm extremely lucky to be fated to come to your Kumantong 4D Websites

Malaysia Client J.S Hit Sports Toto Direct & Iperm Consolation - Win RM$1530

Malaysia Client J.S Strike Sports Toto 4D 3rd Prize Iperm - Win Only RM315

Client V. Tan Strike Direct Starter with Gods Of Wealth Talisman - Sent Ang Bao SGD$38

Client Z.B Hit Ibet Starter - Gave Ang Bao SGD$30

My dog's health has slowly improved after You did a Ritual...

Miss 1 Number but Client Z.B Still Strike Direct 2nd Prize - Ang Bao SGD$100

Your Kumantong 4D Prediction Method helped me Strike Lottery!

Client Strike 4 out of 7 Numbers from Kumantong Toto Prediction - Win SGD$190

Client Z.B bought the numbers wrongly as 7931 and won Ibet Consolation instead and gave me Ang Bao - SGD$40!

Malaysian Chinese Guy prayed to the Picture of 3 Kumantongs and Strike Toto 4D Ibox 1st Prize

Client Win Ibet Consolation and Sent SGD$20 Ang Bao and a Lesson to Learn

Malaysian Client Strike Magnum 4D Mbox 3rd Prize - Win RM1,512 - Gave Ang Bao - SGD$100

Client Ardi from Australia has been blessed by his 'Supreme Master Investor' 7 in 1 Talisman & 'Gods Of Wealth Of All directions' Talisman

Client Z.B miss her Ibet 1st Prize but still send Ang Bao - SGD$30 !

Client Cham Hit Direct Starter On Singapore Pools 4D - Win SGD$250 But Gave Ang Bao - SGD$88! Very Generous Indeed!

Client W.L pray and seek 4D Numbers from Gods Of Wealth Talisman and Strike Ibet 2nd Prize

Client Z.B Hit Direct 1st Prize - Won SGD$11,000 - Gave SGD$1000 Ang Bao